Thursday, June 29, 2023

Cool, crisp, Canadian air - NOT!

"So that is our summer in a nutshell. Waiting for the late autumn snows to blanket the northern parts of Canada. Until that happens, a clean breath of air will be as rare as a Minnesota Viking Super Bowl victory. So, thanks Canada - thanks for nothing!"

Is anybody else ready to go to war with Canada yet? Remember the War of 1812? We went to war with our northern neighbors back then. But this is serious. The Canadians seemed to have lost the recipe on how to manage their own resources. Rather than practice good forestry management, with their hundreds of millions of acres of great woodland, the "greenies" have decided to leave the forests alone. You know - let nature take its course. Well, nature is taking its course. Almost one hundred million acres are on fire. And then we, in the United States, are paying the price for their negligent behavior.

Don't look now, but after going through the winter from hell, we are about to go through the summer of smoke. This smoke is going to be the killjoy on many summer vacations. In Minnesota, we can put up with a lot for a good summer vacation. Bugs, heat, humidity, storms, you name it. But not being able to get a clean breath of air? That is a whole different subject. Plus, there are unintended consequences.

Did you know that some cities are canceling fireworks on the fourth? And why this time? Smoke. They don't want to add to the smoke. They will either have nothing, or a laser show instead. And what about campfires? Just wait for that one. I would not be surprised if they were a no-no this summer. Good-bye smores! Maybe grilling will be next. Summer fun might devolve into sitting inside, having a TV dinner, and watching reruns of Yellowstone.

Somehow, with much of his country being on fire, Casto's kid found the time to take the family to watch the debauchery in the Toronto "Pride Parade". He should be on the front lines of one of the many fires, managing this mess. Why him? He is responsible for many of these fires. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but he is. He and his liberal friends in Canada. 

I miss going outside when a Canadian front has come through and taking a deep breath of that cool, crisp air. Not this year. Taking a deep breath of Canadian air can be hazardous to your health. 

So that is our summer in a nutshell. Waiting for the late autumn snows to blanket the northern parts of Canada. Until that happens, a clean breath of air will be as rare as a Minnesota Viking Super Bowl victory. So, thanks Canada - thanks for nothing!



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