Sunday, June 18, 2023

The mother of all Father's Days!

"To all you fathers out there - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Your job is important, your job is vital. Enjoy your kids today, no matter what their ages are. If you only get a phone call, relish it. If you get a card or a gift, that is just a bonus. This is your day guys - enjoy!"  

Hey guys! Yes you, the ones who are dads. Guess what? Even though Father's Day is kind of an after thought to the May celebration of Mother's Day - you matter. How much do you matter? Quite a bit, actually. Many studies have been done to show the importance of having a father figure in the household. We need look no further in our country, to see what has happened since the Great Society. When in many households, fathers became absent. 

So, what then is a father? First off, fathers are not perfect. Lots of bumps and bruises on many of us. My dad, as good as he was, had his problems. That being said, the good far outweighed the bad. Once you understand and accept that perfection is out the window, then you can concentrate of just being a good father. One who is there. One who cares. One who listens. One who provides. One who sets the example on how to treat the fairer sex - starting with his wife (your mom).

My dad was my teacher. He was my mentor. As I got older, he was my friend. A good father is not so much a friend when you are young, as he is a parent. Parents know how to set the guardrails. And most, if not all of us, need guardrails growing up. 

Many fathers don't realize how much their kids look at and look up to them. You are the example they follow. Doing the right thing as many times as possible, becomes vitally important. Dropping the "f bomb" when someone cuts you off in traffic is poor form. Letting an unkind word go unsaid, is a much better form. 

To all you fathers out there - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Your job is important, your job is vital. Enjoy your kids today, no matter what their ages are. If you only get a phone call, relish it. If you get a card or a gift, that is just a bonus. This is your day guys - enjoy!  

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