Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Self loving and serfdom

"If we all went back to the original YMCA motto of living our lives, we would not be in the mess we are in. If we all put God first in our lives, the difference between Republicans and Democrats would negligible."

When I was a young lad, going through what once was the true YMCA, there was a motto we all learned. Not only learned, but tried to live it. You see back then, the YMCA was a faith based organization. Young Men Christian Association - meant something. Anyhow, the motto was "I'm third". What did that mean? God was first, others second, and I'm third. You (yourself) still counted, and you were to feel good about yourself (and even love yourself), but your position was third place.

Why bring this up? This year, more than any other year, I have been trying to understand what makes Democrats tick. Why they are so different than the normal citizen. Part of it I believe, is they have a very strong desire to self love. And not to get Freudian, they also have a very strong Id. So much so, the love of self, the serving of self, seems to eclipse the greater good in our society. Want an example? 

If you are a lover of self, a lover of self satisfaction, basically a hedonist - this year's legislative session was for you. It had everything bad and evil and self loving wrapped up into one big expensive bow. But if you cared about honoring God, about serving others, there was not much there.

When Al Gore was Veep, the man who wanted to tax the socks off of everyone, someone got ahold of Al's most current income tax form. What he gave to charity that year, was an eye opener. It was a whopping $500. When that was being analyzed by some pundits on the news, it was brought up that overall, Democrats were very poor givers - whereas Conservatives were not. Why? Democrats looked at taxing others as their giving. That way they could feel good and righteous about themselves. It was self love.

Okay, I get it. I understand this whole self love thing. But serfdom? What does that have to do with it? Simple. We have making serfs out of our kids and grandkids. They will all live in serfdom, due to the mountain of debt we are leaving them. Don't get me wrong - Republicans have done their part also in garnering this huge debt. But Democrats seem to delight in doing it. We recently saw that in the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Democrats were almost giddy when this budget buster was signed into law (with zero Republican votes). 

If we all went back to the original YMCA motto of living our lives, we would not be in the mess we are in. If we all put God first in our lives, the difference between Republicans and Democrats would negligible. Then if we put others second in our lives, there would be very little debt left behind, to enslave our offspring. 

But that is not the way it is today. In the Democrat Party, God has all but disappeared. Self love has eclipsed love for others. Self loving and serfdom have become the order of the day. Is that good for America? Not a bit. But that is the rut we are stuck in.      

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