Saturday, July 29, 2023

Are we becoming boiling frogs?

"And how desperate are the Democrats to produce something - ANYTHING better before the next election? They might even consider Dean Phillips as their candidate. Dean's motto? 'Don't like what is going on? Free and cheap vodka for everyone!' Yes, it has come to that..."    

Yesterday, after cutting grass for a while, I noticed I needed to fill up the John Deere. Whoops - needed to fill up some five-gallon cans at the gas station first. As I pulled into the local gas station, I noticed the price per gallon of regular was $3.59 9/10 ($3.60/gallon). That is only forty cents from being at $4/gallon again. And this, after Biden took 30 percent of our strategic petrol out of storage and put it on the market! What happened to those gas prices of around $2/gallon when Trump was President? Have we become complacent with high gas prices? I sure have not!

Joe Biden, in his time in office, has bombarded us with so much crapola, that some of the important stuff seems to have slipped under the radar. In other words, we are like frogs in water which is steadily increasing in temperature. Soon the water will be boiling. We are one Gulf Coast hurricane, one Middle East problem, and one refinery issue, away from four-dollar (plus) gasoline. AND WE CAN'T KEEP TAKING OIL OUT OF OUR RESERVE!

This morning, we need to go grocery shopping. What used to be fun and exciting, is now dreadful. With some inflationary items coming down over the past few months, food has not been one of them. The prices of some items are nothing short of outrageous. Items that were affordable and enjoyable before Biden became President, are now out of bounds. Some say the Biden Administration let this happen by accident. Others say it is on purpose. On purpose? Why would a globalist like Biden do this on purpose? The answer to that is self-explanatory.

For those who have been taking copious amounts of blue pills, sometimes I don't blame you. In fact, drifting off into la-la land might be the only way to survive this entropy. So, as a red pill taker, I will be the bucket of icy water that will splash into the faces of our catatonic citizenry. Our country is a mess right now. Not only a mess but a hot mess.

Joe Biden has launched a full-frontal assault on our country, and the number of his beachheads are too many to count. Recently I listened to a commentator who said our country is so screwed up right now, we might collapse before the 2024 election. Why? Our government is corrupt and full of lies and liars. As I said, we are a hot mess right now. 

And how desperate are the Democrats to produce something - ANYTHING better before the next election? They might even consider Dean Phillips as their candidate. Dean's motto? "Don't like what is going on? Free and cheap vodka for everyone!" Yes, it has come to that...    


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