Friday, July 21, 2023

What is it going to take?????

"The latest kerfuffle is the tape that described Joe and Hunter getting a $10M kickback from Burisma in Ukraine. While this just became another exhibit in the Republican's growing list of exhibits, the Democrats once again, blew it off."

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now tell you something about as shocking as saying the sky is blue or the water is wet. Your government is corrupt. How corrupt? Right down to the core. We thought we had a problem during Watergate. That was child's play compared to what we have today. How so? The cabal of the DNC, the lapdog media, and now the DOJ, has rusted out the foundations of our Republic. We are holding on by our fingernails right now. Trying to keep our government held together with spit and chewing gum. And even that is not working well.

Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the entire Biden family is corrupt. They fit into the Washington corruption like a hand into a glove. The latest kerfuffle is the tape that described Joe and Hunter getting a $10M kickback from Burisma in Ukraine. While this just became another exhibit in the Republican's growing list of exhibits, the Democrats once again, blew it off. "No - you just got the translation wrong", the Democrats responded with. "You guys will do anything to get at the Bidens".

And there you go. Other than Fox and a couple of other venues, the lapdog media is just like "Silent Sam" on each of these allegations. And the DOJ? Are they going to investigate this? Of course not. They are part of the "team". It is only iconoclasts such as RFK Jr. who dare to question. The rest of these rubes just fall into line. One of the team lies, and the rest of the team swears to it. Lies, corruption, and filth.

The decline in Joe Biden over the past two years has been beyond noticeable. The Democrats will do anything possible to prop him up to last long enough to face Trump in 2024. This shell of a man, this "Old Yeller", this historically bad President, is now predicted to beat Donald Trump by 7 points in 2024. That is from Drudge this morning. In other words, what Drudge is reporting, a corrupt, dementia-riddled career politician, will beat Donald Trump by a wide margin in 2024. If this is true, we either have a corrupt voting system, or the world's biggest morons living in this country.

Why is RFK Jr. catching so many people's attention? He is a throwback. An anachronism. A vision of things that were once normal. Today, however, RFK Jr. fits into this Democrat Party like a misfit. The DOJ looks NOTHING like it did when his father was the AG. 

Welcome to today Mr. Kennedy. You are now a stranger in a strange land. What was good in your youth, is now bad. What was bad, is now good. Good luck going forward sir. Welcome to a world stranger than the Planet of the Apes.       

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