Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Goodbye, Hollyweird...

"Goodbye, Hollyweird. I would like to say it was nice knowing you. But we hardly knew you - and what you became. Now, go lay down and die. Join the dustbowl of history. And if you want, do it in a dramatic fashion."    

Let me first say this - I love it when socialists argue amongst themselves. It is rich entertainment. And as most of us know, some of the biggest lefties, the most stringent socialists, live and work in Hollyweird (once known as Hollywood). The fact that the writers and actors are acting in solidarity, and striking the major production companies in tandem, puts a smile on my face. Why? Because Hollyweird has become corrupt. A bottomless pit of scum. It is nothing like the Hollywood of old. 

Okay - when did this substantial change start in Hollywood? Some say it started in the beginning when many of the creative types left New York and migrated to southern California. Better weather for making movies. I have another take on this. Hollywood has always "pushed the envelope". Minor changes, not momentous changes in the beginning. For example, swearing in movies was ALWAYS a no-no. Then came Gone with the Wind, when Clark Gable at the end of the movie said, "Franky my dear, I don't give a damn". GASP! What did he say?

Then some "damns" or hells" made it into the Hollywood lexicon. That was acceptable swearing (I guess). It was not too vile using that language. Things were fine until 1968 when the movie Bullitt came out. Steve McQueen (do I ever miss him), at the end of the movie, uttered the now infamous word - "Bullshit". GASP! Have we hit another level of invective? 

After McQueen swore in Bullitt, it was "anything goes". Nudity, foul language, salacious and lascivious behavior - it was Sodom and Gomorrah on the movie screen, live and in color for all to see. The more it could push the envelope, the better. Thus came the absolute corruption of a once fine industry.

But with every Ying, there is a Yang. Many of the "Normals" who live in this country were clamoring for something else. Family values. Wholesomeness. Christian values. Disney had it for a while. Then Disney went "Woke" and is now going broke. Now we have Pure Flix and Angel Studios in the mix. Good wholesome movies. Many of them are faith-based. No swearing. No nudity. Movies the entire family can watch together. GASP! Do you mean like in the 1950s and early 1960s? Yes.

Movies like The Jesus Revolution and Sound of Freedom are shaking the very foundation of Hollywood. They are change agent movies. They are bringing God back into the equation. Some think if this Hollyweird strike goes on until winter, it will be the death of the current regime in Hollyweird. It will bring back the real Hollywood. The town we all loved to see. Giving us movies that were pure and wholesome to watch.

Goodbye, Hollyweird. I would like to say it was nice knowing you. But we hardly knew you - and what you became. Now, go lay down and die. Join the dustbowl of history. And if you want, do it in a dramatic fashion.    

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