Monday, July 10, 2023

Cluster bombs, or just a cluster?

"Just another day in Biden's America. As we tiptoe on the fine line between being a munitions supplier or a participant. Once Putin thinks we are more participants than suppliers, get those 1960 bomb shelters ready. Why? The ship will have finally hit the sand."    

Cluster bombs. Nasty instruments of war. Their mission? Like most other weapons - to kill or maim. So, what is the big deal about using cluster bombs to kill Russians? I mean, the Russians are using them. Many countries have banned them. Why? Collateral damage. There is a term called the "dud factor". That means that not all the bomblets go off. Some are left laying on the battlefield, appearing to be inert. But some are not. Some are still very dangerous and can go off if handled. 

Back to the "dud factor". It is reported that the Russian cluster bombs have a very high "dud factor". Ours do not (as it is reported). Ours is low (I have heard less than 4%), so the collateral damage using ours will not be as high as the Russian cluster bombs. But both Russian cluster bombs and our cluster bombs will be dropped on Ukrainian soil. Where after the war is over, unexploded bomblets can be picked up by innocent kids.

Okay, so what is up with the "cluster"? Tit for tat, right? Russia uses them, so we can supply them to Ukranian forces. Hold on for a minute. Biden's spokesperson was asked a year or so ago about Russia's use of cluster munitions. Red responded by saying "That could be a war crime by Russia". The UN Human Rights Commission is already looking into Russia's use of cluster munitions. So now here we are, getting ready to use the same munitions that Russia is using. I guess that two wrongs do make a right in the world of Biden.

The war in Ukraine is now at the 500-day mark. Even though this war has been going on for a long time, and hundreds of thousands of people have died, this war will end. Either that, or Biden will poke the Bear so hard, it will end up in WW III. Assuming this war will end with a whimper and not a bang, there will be thousands of unexploded bomblets all over Ukraine. Some will be from us; most will be from Russia.

Just another day in Biden's America. As we tiptoe on the fine line between being a munitions supplier or a participant. Once Putin thinks we are more participants than suppliers, get those 1960 bomb shelters ready. Why? The ship will have finally hit the sand.    

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