Sunday, May 16, 2021

Channeling our better selves

"Where does that leave us? It leaves us in control of our situation. We can channel our better selves by reading the book of instructions which has been around since the beginning. The Word of God is what will change things. It is what will change us. Always has been, always will be." 

As many, if not most of us have noticed, the very fabric which holds this great nation together is starting to look a bit frayed around the edges. There are a myriad of reasons for what is happening to us. I don't think any one of us has it all figured out as yet. All we know, is that something is wrong - terribly wrong. Every marker we can think of or imagine, is now pointing in the wrong direction. So what can we do? What can only one person do to help turn things around?

I have looked deep into my own self as of late. Am I helping, hurting, or just existing? Then it dawned on me. Am I channeling my better self? I know this might sound corny, but have I become part of the problem, or part of the solution? Then I started to think about how God wants us to act. I thought about the greatest commandment - "Love thy God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as you love yourself."

I started thinking about that very sage direction which divinely came to us two thousand years ago. What kind of a world, what kind of a country would we have today, if we all truly following that greatest of all commandments? Even in a broken world, things would be much closer to perfect than we have today.

Instead of talking at each other, or past each other, we would be able to talk to each other. The only race we would be concerned with is the human race. Houses could remain unlocked, as we would not steal from each other. We would be looking at each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, rather than people of different tribes. Violence would be a word used infrequently, as it would have no meaning. 

As messed up as things appear to be right now, guess what? God is still in control. The Creator of everything great and small, is still in control. Is He disappointed with us in the way we act at times? I would guess yes. But the agape love which the Lord has for us, trumps anger and disappointment. If we can only show just a fraction of the kind of love for each other which God has for us, things would start to turn around quickly in this world.

Where does that leave us? It leaves us in control of our situation. We can channel our better selves by reading the book of instructions which has been around since the beginning. The Word of God is what will change things. It is what will change us. Always has been, always will be. 

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