Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Mother's Day Trifecta

"In any event, as I have gotten up in years, I sold my Lund fishing boat. Too big, and too heavy for me. Plus, I no longer fish on opener. Whatever fishing acumen I have left is to be shared with my grandies." 

Today is my Mother's birthday. She would have been 103 today. As it was, she lived to be almost 97. All in all, she had a good life. Married for 66 years, lived in her dream home for 50. There were a few bumps along the road, but like I said, for the most part, she lived a good life.

But as much as I liked to celebrate her birthday with her, there was always something lurking right around the corner. Mother's Day. She really disliked (sometimes more than disliked), when Mother's Day hit on the same weekend as her birthday (like this one). The only thing which could aggravate her more, were those rare occurrences when her birthday AND Mother's Day hit on May 8th. Ouch!

Then to finish the trifecta, was something I enjoyed doing once a year, which often times also happened on this weekend. Fishing opener. After suffering through a long, cold winter in Minnesota, the thought of being out in a boat on a beautiful May weekend was better than good. It was a right of passage, for living in this northern state. Myself and two friends from work had an annual date to fish on this weekend.

Now, if I mix Mom's birthday, Mother's Day, and fishing opener all up into the same weekend, it became a real conundrum. A big time puzzle. Often times my Mom would say things like, "I don't understand why fishing opener has to be so close to Mother's Day!" I agreed with her. I often thought Minnesota should be like Wisconsin, and open up Walleye AND Bass season on May 1st. 

Sometimes I would tease Mom by saying, "It is too bad Mother's Day does not come in February - then there would be no conflict." Needless to say, that went over like passing gas in church. I was on the receiving end of a cold stare, and some harsh words. 

In any event, as I have gotten up in years, I sold my Lund fishing boat. Too big, and too heavy for me. Plus, I no longer fish on opener. Whatever fishing acumen I have left is to be shared with my grandies. 

I would however, give my eyeteeth to have my Mother back to celebrate both Mother's Day and her birthday. Bottom line - I could have fished on any other weekend during the summer. Those two days in early May were very special to my Mother. And to see her joy in celebrating those two events, made them very special to me also. 

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