Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Wuhan Frankenstein lab...

"Can China ever be worthy of our trust? Not so long as the CCP is running things. They have proven to be untrustworthy time and time again. There are reasons they wanted to get to Hunter and Joe Biden. None of them good reasons. Hopefully, the die is not yet cast." 

The two most pressing questions for many of us, might be getting closer to being answered. First, any time in June, we are due to get a UFO/UAP report from the Pentagon. Could be a doozy, or it could just be a dud. In any event, the Pentagon has been tasked with telling us if these "things" their pilots have been seeing for years now, are a "black" technology of ours, super secret new technology of Russia or China, a "bug" in the new Navy radar, or something from "out there".

The other question is not as much "other worldly", as it is terrifying. Where did the corona virus (Covid) 19 come from? The one which has killed as many as 10 million people worldwide (new estimates from the WHO). Even the regal and very overpaid Dr. Fauci, is questioning if the CCP are playing a shell game with the right information. Bats? Probably not. Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab? Now we might be on to something. But getting to the truth means making it through the maze of the WHO and then the CCP. 

As bad as Covid -19 is, there is a rumble there might be something else cooking in Wuhan which is even worse. Much, much worse. Wait - how can anything be worse than a epidemic? Or a pandemic? Ready? Try a "civilization killer". It would be bio warfare on steroids.

Gordon Chang was on the morning news today. He is one the smartest folks we have on the entire issue of China. He has been convinced for quite a while now, that Covid -19 came out of the Wuhan lab. But because (as it is reported by the WSJ) that three Wuhan scientists got deathly sick in November of 2019 and had to be hospitalized, Chang is suspecting something very nefarious. Like, the CCP Army is looking for a more permanent solution to allow Chinese world domination. In other words, exterminating everyone who does not have Chinese DNA. 

A "civilization killer". A virus developed to be deadly to anyone and everyone who comes in contact with it. That is, unless you have Chinese DNA, which will allow this virus to "pass over" you, without ill effect. 

Where does that leave the rest of us? Hunkered and bunkered for the lucky ones. Dying a terrible death for the not so lucky ones. And if this rumor is true, what can we do? First off, wake up our accidental President. He needs to tell China in no uncertain terms, that we are on to the mischief going on in the Wuhan lab. Insist the lab be shut down - permanently and immediately. Then we need to tell China if they ever did unleash a "killer virus" meant to exterminate us, we would retaliate beyond measure. We would turn as much of China as possible, into a nuclear wasteland. And the first ICBM, would take out the city of Wuhan.

Can China ever be worthy of our trust? Not so long as the CCP is running things. They have proven to be untrustworthy time and time again. There are reasons they wanted to get to Hunter and Joe Biden. None of them good reasons. Hopefully, the die is not yet cast. 

1 comment:

  1. Removing the CCP from power would be a daunting assignment.

    P.S. If Chinese workers at the lab fell ill, that suggests the culprit did not distinguish DNA
