Saturday, May 1, 2021

India in crisis

"I only hope that in this world, someone has the guts to hold the CCP responsible for this very expensive and deadly mess."  

For those who have reading the media or watching the news, what has been happening in India has been jaw dropping. India, a land of 1.3 billion souls, is a land of terrible poverty as well as having some pockets of achievement and wealth. Be that as it may, India is now getting ravaged by Covid -19 and it's variants. So much so, they have had over 18 million cases (6 million of those just last month), with over 200,000 deaths. Right now, India is ground zero in the fight against this terrible virus.

The government of India is pleading to the world for supplies. All sorts of PPE is needed. Oxygen is needed. Most of all however, vaccines are needed. Even though 150 million doses have been administered to date, they need to get enough on hand to vaccinate at least another 550 million people immediately. That would be half their population. Right now, time is not India's friend.

Every now and again, a FB friend will post a Caring Bridge website which tells the story of a friend or relative who is a "long hauler", suffering from this terrible disease. True, most who get this disease recover from it. Unfortunately, some don't. And some have long lasting and debilitating after effects. Most medical professionals will tell you the same thing - this disease is nothing to mess around with. 

It seems ironic to me, that India, with a population almost as high as China's, gets hit this hard with Covid - 19. Karma to me, would have China getting the worst of it, since it came from there. Whether it was accidental or intentional, is yet to be determined. All I know is this - this virus has hit the world like wildfire. In just over a year, 150 million cases worldwide, with over 3 million deaths. Some countries have been hit harder than others, very few, if any countries have escaped the paid of this virus. 

Regardless of the blather coming out of this Administration, we have Donald J. Trump to thank for putting the fire under Project Warp Speed. Warp Speed is not only getting our people vaccinated and back to a somewhat normal life, it is also now serving as a lifeline for other countries, such as India. Some doctors are now telling us that Covid - 19 might end up being like the flu. Every year, there will be a new variant, which will need an annual booster vaccine.

I only hope that in this world, someone has the guts to hold the CCP responsible for this very expensive and deadly mess. I do know, it will never be the Biden Administration. 

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