Sunday, May 23, 2021

Unbridled Joy

"How did one know that my friend Jodie had this unbridled joy? It was written on his face, demonstrated by his manners and mannerisms, and how he lived his life." 

Listening to a song the other day called Praise you in the Storm, sung by the group Casting Crowns, reminded me of the unbridled joy in a believer's life. How in the midst of trouble and turmoil, a follower of Jesus can find joy. Not just a little joy, but unbridled joy. Does that make any sense, what-so-ever? Actually, it does.

M-W defines the term "unbridled" as "unrestrained or uncontrolled". So unbridled joy, is joy which is joy which is unrestrained or uncontrolled. The Holy Bible talks about joy numerous times in numerous places. How we are to be joyful in our faith. Still, many times it is easier said than done.

In the early 70's, while serving in Okinawa, I was stationed on a small Army base, close to Kadena Air Base. One of my shipmates was a young man named Jodie. He was different than most others. There was something about him which attracted him to me as a friend. He was deep in the faith, and yet did not protolyze. He would just live his faith with joy. How did one know that my friend Jodie had this unbridled joy? It was written on his face, demonstrated by his manners and mannerisms, and how he lived his life. 

There was a small chapel on this small base. Three services every week. A Jewish service on Saturdays, a Catholic Mass on early Sunday morning, and then a ecumenical Protestant service later on Sunday morning. Jodie and I would attend the Protestant service together. Coming from a stayed Lutheran background, I always loved to watch Jodie worship. His worship experience growing up was anything but stayed. The man knew how to get his worship on.

Jodie is in the picture above. He is the one who gave me my first lesson in leading a joyful life. Later in life, when I became involved with the Alpha Program, I started to understand living with joy much better. How to live more joyful in everything I do. I am not there yet. But I am trying. I am still a work in progress.     

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