"Ever since the start of the pandemic, we have been running around like chickens with our hair on fire (so to speak). It is time to start acting like real Americans again. Like the free people we are. No more autocratic authoritarianism. No more tyranny. Just common sense please. From the people we elected to have some."
And so it starts. This "mandate" from the White House has trickled down to the states, and now affects both public and private institutions. Some of have given the White House the "Let's go Brandon!" answer to this mandate, by ignoring it. They are however, doing that at their own peril, as the feds can come in with hefty fines - and worse. All this about much to do about nothing. Or is it something?
The authoritarianism of this Administration is daunting for sure. And the blue states and cities are just as bad. Did you know that as of this morning, 26 FDNY fire stations have closed due to this moronic vaccine mandate? Issued by their moronic Mayor? The FDNY, the heroes of 9/11, where 343 of them died in the collapse of the twin towers, some of them being ground into dust - are now villains? And must be punished? Just because they would not get the "jab"? There is such a simpler solution to this "problem", that most of our Autocratic Democrats have ignored.
Like what? Like something which makes much more sense. An antibody test. Period. The purpose of the vaccine, no matter which flavor, is to get your body to make its own antibodies. However, some people already have those antibodies. Some people have already had Covid, and their bodies have manufactured those antibodies.
Here is how I think it would work. You get the test from your doctor or from a clinic. The results of the test are good for a certain period of time. If the test shows you have the antibodies, you are good to go. If you do not have the antibodies, then your employer would have the right to have you tested for Covid every week or so. Nobody needs to get fired. Nobody needs to quit in anticipation of getting fired. Right now, this mandate thing is one of the biggest clusters, one of the biggest and most gapping self inflicted wound, the government has come up with as yet.
Here is the bottom line as I understand it from health professionals I trust. Covid - 19 is not going away. It will always be around. What the Chinese have so cleverly developed, cannot be so easily eviscerated. Are we going to continue to play this game of "show down" for years? Or can we just do the grown-up thing, and move on. It angers and disgusts me, when in these days of worker shortages, I see more people become unemployed over this useless mandate. It really angers me, when some of this people are our heroes.
Ever since the start of the pandemic, we have been running around like chickens with our hair on fire (so to speak). It is time to start acting like real Americans again. Like the free people we are. No more autocratic authoritarianism. No more tyranny. Just common sense please. From the people we elected to have some.