Monday, October 4, 2021

The devil and those details...

"Keep your eye on the ball, and watch both hands. The devil is going to be in the details. With some of these entitlements which the socialists want, once that bell is rung, it will be very hard to un-ring."

The high drama from last week is over. Both of the "infrastructure" bills, are still that - just bills. Left with no agreement, no signature. Slo Joe, the "grand deal maker" came up to the Hill, masked up, saluted the fawning Democrats waiting for him, and then came away empty. Not only empty, but he made a major "inkle", he was going to side with the socialists, over the traditional Democrats. So much for his campaign promise. 

What does that mean? Does that mean both bills are dead? Hardly. Even though Manchin and Sinema wanted nothing of the $3.5T, and became "stoppers" in having the bill in its current shape make it through the Senate, there is a much bigger problem. Problem? What? The details. This "human infrastructure" bill, is a ticking timebomb, regardless of what the value is. The language contained therein is the devil in the details. 

All the Democrats need is to have the structure of these two bills agreed to - and then signed into law. The funding can come at any time. But the structure is important. And who knows how many "Catch 22" items are in the "human infrastructure" bill? Like hidden taxes or "wealth taxes"? When there is a blizzard of paper that house these bills, having toxic items hidden therein is always a danger.

One of the Biden talking heads was on the Sunday morning Fox show yesterday. He kept telling the host, "Oh, no - there is no cost to the taxpayers in these bills. Everything is paid for. In fact, 50 million lower income folks are going to get a tax break." This is the whopper of all whoppers. To pay for everything we know about (plus everything which is hidden), the socialists will need to not only tax everyone's income, but also their wealth.

One example I read, is a 3% annual real estate tax. If you house is valued at $400,000, you would need to pay the government $12,000 just for that tax. If this is true or not, I don't know. But it would not surprise me if it were.

In any event, this is the Great Reset. Once the socialists can get these two bills inked by Biden, regardless of the value, kiss our country goodbye. We will become the mother of all entitlement societies. The Golden Goose will have been killed, and all the money trees picked bare. The "building a better mouse trap" mentality which made this country great, will be replaced with doing nothing, creating nothing, and getting paid for it.

Stay tuned on this one. Keep your eye on the ball, and watch both hands. The devil is going to be in the details. With some of these entitlements which the socialists want, once that bell is rung, it will be very hard to un-ring.     

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