Sunday, October 10, 2021

Of all things, great and small...

"God the Father. Abba Father. Creator of all things, great and small. I started to realize just how powerful and wonderful our God is. All of existence, from the smallest atom, to the largest galaxy in the universe - is God's creation."

In the church we attend, something powerful happens each and every week. We have a modified "alter call". In the congregation, heads are bowed, and the pastor uses the just delivered message, to invite those who have not yet done it - to accept Christ as their savior. The prayer of repentance ("sinner's prayer") is then said in this corporate setting. People who choose to make that very important commitment at that time, raise their hands or stand up. The pastor then invites them into the narthex, to receive information, and meet with some mentors to help guide them on this very important journey.

Most, if not all, who make that important decision in church, will remember the date and the place it happened. I do not. I have been asked a few times if I remember the day I came to Christ. For me, it was more of a journey, than a date certain. I was raised in the faith, went to Sunday School and Confirmation, was married in a Church, and have attended many churches since. Many times my faith was in a quiet period, or sometimes - asleep. My wife refers to those days as us being "catatonic Christians". Our faith became like a spare tire in the trunk. To be used only in an emergency.

It wasn't until we were at our former church, involved in the Alpha Program, that my faith really started to awaken. Not only did I reconfirm that Jesus was my Savior (my wife and I were baptized as adults at that church), but we also (through Alpha), learned the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit. But - the biggest blessing by far, was developing a deeper understanding of God the Father.

God the Father. Abba Father. Creator of all things, great and small. I started to realize just how powerful and wonderful our God is. All of existence, from the smallest atom, to the largest galaxy in the universe - is God's creation. This God, who is everything, and created everything - loves each and every one of us with a passionate love which is stronger than humans can fathom. Agape love. Unconditional love. As many times as I have disappointed God with my sin, He still loves me. And because of the gift of Jesus, when I repent of my sins, God forgives me.

Pastor Rick Warren was recently asked what Heaven will be like. At the end of our journey, when God calls all believers home to live with Him, what will it be like? Pastor Warren said, "Well, it will not be a bunch of people floating around in white robes, wearing halos, and playing harps. That sounds awful. Rather, Heaven will be over a million times better than our best day on Earth. God the Creator, has created this forever home for all who believe - to be truly a paradise." 

This morning is once again, worship time. Adoration time. And at the end of the message, contrition time. Some will take this opportunity to make this wonderful commitment to be a follower of Christ. Just to be in the same setting where this important step happens, is a wonder, a joy, and a privilege.     

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