Saturday, October 23, 2021

SHTF Prepping - (or not)

"In any event, let us all hope we never have an event. No matter how well your are prepped, a SHTF event would suck, big time. But this is a time when we all need to be boy scouts. In other words, be prepared. Totally prepared. Assume that help will not be on the way." 

If you take a stroll around the internet lately, you will see the new term for intense prepping. That be SHTF prepping. Actually, many have prepped in this fashion for years. It just did not go by that name. I have watched a few YouTube videos, which focus on SHTF prepping. For the most part, it is the way I have prepped for years. Some things however, I need to buff up on. These videos would be a good way to take your own temperature, on how well you are prepared.

One of them I watched, focused on city rats, who live vertically. Even though this is the way the Met Council wants us all to live, it is by far and away the most risky should there be a SHTF event. Like, most of what this video talked about, is how to get out of town - fast. How to develop "bug out" packs and maybe a trailer. And if you need to bug out from your city existence, have a rock solid plan on where you would go. Easier said than done. 

I will say this again, as I have said in the past. If you do not live in the city, and are able to hunker and bunker in your own house, your house will become more than a house. It will be your food store, your drug store, your safe zone, your everything. I think what we have all seen in the past 8 months or so, is this current Administration will be of little help in a honest to gosh SHTF event. With that in mind, think about what you would need to survive for two weeks. Actually, most preppers think in months instead of weeks. 

Water, candles, survival food, water, firearms, flashlights, water, ammo, meds, paper products, first aid, water, and so on. Yes, I did repeat water a few times. Why? This is where most preppers fall short. Buying a BPA free water storage system is a smart play. They are available all over the internet, and are of reasonable cost. For sixty days of disruption during a SHTF event, plan on sixty gallons (minimum). If you have time before the event happens, fill your bathtub and utility sink with water. This will be good for cleaning and toilet flushing. That would be over and above the 60 gallons of potable water you have for drinking and cooking.

The easiest thing by far to prep are paper products. No expiration date. Paper plates, toilet paper, paper towels, plastic silverware, napkins and so forth. Also, plastic bags. All the way from paper bags, to normal garbage bags, to 55 gallon contractor strength bags. 

Taking a journey through your mind is a good practice to get into. What could you possibly need in a time of extreme shortages? Where could you safely store what is needed? What if the ATM machines are down? The gas stations have no gas? Having some extra gas in your garage in a great idea. Use a fuel stabilizer to keep it fresh and ready to use. 

In any event, let us all hope we never have an event. No matter how well your are prepped, a SHTF event would suck, big time. But this is a time when we all need to be boy scouts. In other words, be prepared. Totally prepared. Assume that help will not be on the way. 

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