Monday, October 11, 2021

Life and Death on the Darien Gap

"We can't have undocumented folks wandering all over the landscape! Where is Homeland Security??? Homeland Security? They are behind this tort of the law."

Just seems like yesterday, when we had all those Haitians on our southern border. Sure shocked the heck out of most of us, and dare say our government, that these folks showed up unexpectedly. Or did it shock our government? It has recently been disclosed (NOT by the Biden Administration), the President of Panama warned us this tidal wave of immigrants were headed north. How did she know that? Because they were crossing through her country.

By the way, she is the one who is warning us even a bigger wave is coming. One of the concerns the President of Panama has, is the danger of crossing from Colombia into Panama. That would involve crossing over the very treacherous Darien Gap. Crossing the Darien Gap by foot is not for the faint of heart. With no roads, and heavy jungle, it really can be a life or death crossing. But the Haitians who were coming up from South America did it. Did some die in the crossing the Darien Gap? And if so, how many? We will probably never know.

Since we are talking about that first wave of Haitians, does anybody have a clue on what has happened to them? I know the Biden Administration made a big deal of showing videos of a handful of them being sent (via plane) back to Haiti. But what about the rest of them? Abducted by a UFO? Became invisible? Where the heck are they?

On the Fox News this weekend, it was reported that in the "dark of the night" (so to speak), 250 buses came down to the Del Rio area of Texas. From there, thousands of Haitians were loaded on those buses and taken (fill in the blank). Where were these buses going? Best guess? All over the country, dropping the Haitians off wherever. But, but - that is not legal! We can't have undocumented folks wandering all over the landscape! Where is Homeland Security??? Homeland Security? They are behind this tort of the law.

Somebody said very recently, Republicans need to shoulder some blame in this immigration mess. How so? But not being vocal enough. Republicans should be shouting from the highest rooftops, telling the real story about the southern border. Running adds constantly, in all kinds of media, telling and showing the truth.

Biden and company, have been committing treason right under our noses. What they are doing with these poor immigrants, who have no skills, nor English language, is illegal and immoral. Using these people as fodder, just for the 2022 and 2024 election. Shameful!

If not for Fox News, Newsmax, OAN and other conservative reporting services, we would know NOTHING about the truth on what is going on in southern border. Nothing. But now we do know the truth. And what are we going to do with it? Something has got to be done. The fate of our Republic hangs in the balance.


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