Thursday, October 21, 2021

The teacher's folly of MEA

"Welcome to the Minnesota world of MEA. Once a waste, still a waste, will always be a waste."

I have said for many a year, the biggest hoax the teacher's union in Minnesota (that would now be Education Minnesota) has pulled on the Minnesota taxpayers, is the annual MEA "conference". Since I am married to a teacher (now retired), we never had to struggle with this annual teacher vacation in the middle of the fall. However, many of my contemporaries when everyone's kids were small - did.

Back in the day, MEA was nothing but a vacation for over 90% of the teachers. Believe it of not, a small percentage actually went to some of the workshops and conferences held in St. Paul. But most loaded up their kids (if they had any), and headed to Wisconsin Dells. Some have asked, "If this conference is so dang important, why don't the teachers have it in July, when they are off?" GASP! That borders on heresy! You can't expect a teacher to give up two days of his or her extra long summer vacation to go to this stupid conference! 

Before the days of CRT, social justice, and sexuality, the annual MEA conference was the achilleas heel for most teachers. Now, compared to everything else going on in education, this annual conference is small potatoes. Today, the big fish are the curriculum and sexuality issues the teacher's union is pushing. Wait - what about reading, writing and arithmetic? Like things used to be? Come on man! Get with it! That was during the stone ages of when teachers really believed in teaching. Now the union is into only indoctrination. Period. End of sentence.

I often wonder if our kids realize how much they are used as pawns these days. They probably don't. In government schools, they are sucked up by the system, and most parents either don't know or don't care. But the ones who do know and do care and now enemies of the state. Certainly enemies of Joe and Dr. Biden. To me and many of my friends however, these dissenting parents are patriots. Pure and simple patriots.

Have to wrap this up. Just found out the grandies are coming over this morning. On a Thursday? Why? They are off for MEA. So their mother had to take two days off. They are coming over here for something to do. Welcome to the Minnesota world of MEA. Once a waste, still a waste, will always be a waste.


1 comment:

  1. Agree 100%. It's now become a "holiday" and parents plan mini-vacations around it. If the teachers want a conference, do it during the summer.
