Thursday, October 28, 2021

A town without pity...

"This defund the police movement is by far and away the dumbest thing I have ever seen come out of a large city. Hello? Seen the crime stats in just about every big blue city? When the crooks start to run the city (not the elected crooks, the other ones), Minneapolis will really become a town without pity."

"No, it isn't very pretty, what a town without pity, can do." Gene Pitney, from his hit song from yesteryear, "Town without pity". Minneapolis, the City of Lakes, the city of Mary Tyler Moore and Prince, the once very popular showplace of Minnesota, is on the precipice of disaster. A gapping, self inflicted wound. The city which at one time was a vibrant, fun place to work, play and live, is now ready to become the new Detroit - or worse.

The city, which just last year, allowed thugs and roving gangs to rob, torch and plunder the Uptown area and South Minneapolis - is going to take a very historic vote next week. This city, whose crime stats are way up, some doubled from last year, is going to vote to dismantle and "re-imagine" a new kind of policing. A "kinder, gentler" policing. In other words, instead of the baddies having a hay day in Minneapolis like they do right now, should this vote pass and the police department is eliminated, the bad guys will own the town. Lock, stock, and barrel, own the town. 

Medaria Arradondo, the Police Chief of Minneapolis, held a presser yesterday. He is totally against this madcap idea. Then during the presser, the Chief let something slip. He was never consulted by city planners or the "Vote Yes" crew, what this new "re-imagined" policing group would look like. It will be made up of social workers, dispute de-escalators, violence disrupters, hand holders, bedwetters, and Dr. Phil look alikes. But cops? No way, no how. In this real life game of cops and robbers which has been going on in Minneapolis, it will just be the robbers.

Just as an aside, the very odd Attorney General of the United States was grilled by a Senate committee yesterday. One of the questions which came up, was the Antifa and BLM riots which torched part of Minneapolis during the summer of 2020. The Attorney General was asked why instead of going after concerned parents at school board meetings, the Justice Department not go after the real insurrection which happened in many of our large cities last summer. Yes, Minneapolis was the first to burn, and probably had the most damage. His response, was a no response. Why not? In the eyes of this twisted Administration, the parents are the bad guys. Jan, 6th was the insurrection. The insurrection riots from 2020? Move along, nothing to see here.

This defund the police movement is by far and away the dumbest thing I have ever seen come out of a large city. Hello? Seen the crime stats in just about every big blue city? When the crooks start to run the city (not the elected crooks, the other ones), Minneapolis will really become a town without pity. It will also become a town without visitors, as nobody will want to venture within 10 miles of that town. And that includes me. 

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