Friday, October 22, 2021

And here they come again...

"But the biggest damage that Biden has done to his party is this - people will remember this mess. For a long, long time. For that Uncle Joe, I suppose we should be thankful. Even though you ruined our country, we should be thankful it will not happen again - maybe not forever." 

This is the story which never seems to end. People, mostly poor people, from all over, are getting ready to storm our southern border once again. Did I say "storm"? Sorry - poor choice of words. Under Uncle Joe, migrants only have to saunter across the most shallow part of the Rio Grande. Once across, find the nearest Border Patrol, get arrested, and then be "released". Oh yes - our "catch and release" program is known about, far and wide. 

This new Administration is crafty, they are! They invite migrants into our country ("Biden, let us in" t-shirts), get them over the Rio Grande, detain them for a short period, and then in the dead of night - fly them all over the country. And then what? Get them hidden with some liberal NGO, and bingo! Next thing we know, they are collecting benefits and their kids are showing up for school. School? How? These kids have no language skills, and many have special needs. Welcome to Biden's America. Where the money comes pouring out like there is no tomorrow. 

Will Biden and loony left finally get their way? I mean, the final objective is not even close to being hidden. Get these illegals in the country, and then declare amnesty. Sure beats the old fashioned way of earning your citizenship. These days amnesty is nothing more than a cudgel, used to beat the normal voters over the head with.

BTW - what ever happened to our "War on Covid"? Seems these newbies get a pass on that one. Nobody gets tested, nobody needs to get the jab. How so? Beats me. It has been reported that the positivity rate with these immigrants is over 10%. Wait - what? We are sending forth into our country, 10% of the estimated 1.6M immigrants this year who have Covid? What else - Measles? Any other contagious disease? What is wrong with Biden and Mayorkas? Do they hate this country that much? Seems so.

The only good thing, is this crisis (one of many for Biden), is taking his favorability rating down south, quicker than a Nolan Ryan sinker. I mean, even the most ill informed voter can see what a mess Biden has made of EVERYTHING in way less than a year. Yes, the Republicans should clean house in a year from November. They should win the House, the Senate, and a slew of down tickets.

But the biggest damage that Biden has done to his party is this - people will remember this mess. For a long, long time. For that Uncle Joe, I suppose we should be thankful. Even though you ruined our country, we should be thankful it will not happen again - maybe not forever. 


1 comment:

  1. Don't count your chickens. Predictions of GOP success mean we tend to assume that will be true, whether we vote or not. Too much bother.
