Thursday, November 18, 2021

How is that BBS coming?

"Two things most Americans detest, are debt and inflation. With Biden, we got plenty of both. How bad? Real bad. There is no betting person in Washington, who thinks the BBS deal has a prayer in getting through the Senate."

BBS? What the what? One of the Republican Congressmen from Florida has renamed Biden's Build, Back Better  program to be "Build, Back Stupid" - or just plain BBS. I like it! This is the week that Ms. Nancy might have a vote on this pile of goo in the House. Who would vote for this thing, without having the CBO scorecard done yet? Easy question. In Minnesota, pawns like Omar, McCollum, Dean Phillips, and Angi Craig will vote for it. Does not matter this bill is nonsense and dangerous. So much for the Problem Solvers Caucus, right Dean? They will vote for it because they are tools of the Democrat Party. Not problem solvers, tools. They are just bodies, with very little intellect, always pulling the level called "blue".

Steve Ratner, another one of Obama's financial wizards, had weighed in on this BBS deal. He wrote an op/ed in the NYT, where he excoriated the Democrats. Said they were responsible for the current wave of inflation. AND - if this BBS plan is passed, it will only make inflation worse. Larry Sommers, another Obama financial guy from the past, thinks Biden's American Rescue Plan was even more inflationary than the BBS plan will be. In other words, the American Rescue Plan is responsible for much of today's inflation. And that inflation is NOT transitory.

As Biden always says, "Here is the deal folks". Only this time, the "deal" is a bad deal indeed. How bad are things right now in the Democrat Party? 15 Congressmen and women have decided not to seek re-election. Why not? They can see the bloodbath coming. Biden has taken his party down a dark road into a box canyon. With Biden's approval rating in the 30's and Harris' approval rating in the 20's, there are no coattails for 2022. Only anchors and anvils.

Two things most Americans detest, are debt and inflation. With Biden, we got plenty of both. How bad? Real bad. There is no betting person in Washington, who thinks the BBS deal has a prayer in getting through the Senate. Unlike the House, there actually are one or two Democrat Senators who can think for themselves. Who are not just tools, like their Democrat counterparts in the House are. 

How is the BBS coming? Not well, if you are counting ways it can be signed into law. If you are counting on it passing the House, very well, thank you. But under Ms. Nancy, pink unicorns as our national symbol could pass the mind numbed robots in the House. Once we boot Ms. Nancy in 2022, the House can go back to governing like Article 1 in our Constitution mandates. November of 2022 cannot come soon enough. 

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