Friday, November 19, 2021

Yet another bad week....

"Today, Biden goes in for his annual physical. Love to be a fly on the wall for that one. Especially during the cognitive test. How is he going to pass it? The docs at Walter Reed will lie for him, just like before."

Poor old Slo Joe. He can't seem to catch a break. I am trying to feel for this guy, but it is hard. Why? Most everything bad which have happened to him, have been due to self inflicted wounds. Due to his dark heart of hatred. Hatred for Donald Trump.

Biden had the chance to be just a "do nothing" President, and allow the Trump successes to continue. Inflation would have been better, the southern border would have been better, Afghanistan would have been better, this approval rating would have been better - just to name a few.

What about this past week? How has that gone? Let's take a peek, shall we?

  • Approval Poll - How is Joe doing as of late? Last week, his approval number was 38%. That is beyond terrible. But this week, it lost another digit. It is now 37%. And his Veep? Lower than low. Lower than Joe. They are about the same as OBL on his best day. 
  • Build, Back Better - How do you say "DOA" in Washington speak? Ms. Nance will have the vote on this budget buster sometime today. It will probably pass the House, although is should not. It will then go to the Senate and die. Why? The CBO has released their findings. As most with a brain have suspected, this thing DOES NOT pay for itself. It will add trillions to out debt. But who cares, right? Yellen will just monetize more of our debt (again). 
  • Inflation - Highest rate in 31 years. And before everything is said and done, it could go even higher. What have the nitwits who work in Biden's cabinet said about this major problem? Just ignore it - it will go away. It is only transitory. The problem is people like Steve Ratner, one of Obama's financial best gurus, have come out and tagged Biden with the loss. Not only is inflation Biden's fault, but it is also NOT transitory. To quote the Clinton team - "It's the economy stupid!"
  • Covid Vaccinations - Biden's vaccine mandate seems to hit a wall this past week. Not only have the courts put a stay on it, but also OSHA has come out and said it is not kosher. With 1/3 of the country deciding not to be vaccinated, that is how that number will probably stay. As it should be. My body, my choice - right? Been hearing that for decades from the abortion loving left. In addition, our medical community are starting to rethink how "bulletproof" this vaccine really makes you. The number of "breakthrough" cases have been jaw dropping. And the boosters? Are we in for twice a year shots, which may or may not help? Right now, we have more questions than answers.
  • Southern Border - A caravan of 10,000 is on the way, and expected to arrive in the near future. Border states have activated everyone possible to help stem this tide. Our crazy Cuban who is running (ruining) DHS was hauled in front of Congress again to lie, lie, and lie again. The fact we have a couple million more illegals running around this country this year, is 100% on Biden (and Mayorkas).

Today, Biden goes in for his annual physical. Love to be a fly on the wall for that one. Especially during the cognitive test. How is he going to pass it? The docs at Walter Reed will lie for him, just like before. For if they told the truth about Biden, Article 25 of the Constitution would come to life, and fast. Then we would have the Veep, with approval numbers in the 20's to contend with. Oh, joy. 

1 comment:

  1. That would be an absolute delight, if Joe were removed and Kamala became Top Dog (female). She would no longer be able to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, so any agenda would simply stop. She could of course appoint a new VP, who would have to be approved by the Senate...... A lame duck in her first partial term!
