Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Wither law and order?

"The vast majority of people in this country, find our current lawlessness environment abhorrent. To defend the crooks and demean our cops - is a loser for sure." 

I know it might sound a bit trite to castigate the blue donkey party, as being the party of lawlessness. So I won't. I believe that deep down, they don't see themselves as being the party of lawlessness. All I would ask of them, is to stop acting like it. When you look out on the horizon and see the "smash and grab" mob robberies, the car jackings by young thugs, the skyrocketing rates of murder, rapes and assaults, one might wonder what the what is going on with our country.

One of the Squad members, Rashida Taleb (D-MI) was being interviewed on a cable station yesterday. The day after the rampage in her neighboring state of Wisconsin. The day after a man with a 50 page rap sheet, who should have been in jail for life, killed five innocents and hurt scores other - just because. Anyhow, Taleb's timing was perfect. She is advocating to have all federal prisoners freed from jail. Huh? Why? 

"Get rid of the cops! Defund the police! Replace the police with social workers and violence de-escalators! Empty out the jails!" Up from the madding crowd, those shrill chants come. Meanwhile, all hell is braking loose in many of our large blue cities. Do you want something? Just take it. Don't like someone? Just beat the crap out of that person. Want someone's car? It's yours. Enjoy the ride. Welcome to the world of equity instead of equality. The world of lawlessness, instead of lawfulness. Also known as Joe Biden's America.

What happened in Wisconsin is a perfect example of the dark heart. This man, for reasons known only to him, decided to knowingly mow down some innocent people with a car. No Beto, this was not a gun crime. This type of crime, is an increasing way to cause mass casualties, mayhem, and chaos. Death by car. Not gun - by car. If hate and killing is in your heart, there are almost an infinite amount of ways to hurt or kill someone. This 38 year old thug, who should have been in prison, decided to use a car to carry out his dastardly task. It could have been a gun, a knife, a bomb, a hammer, whatever. This guy decided to use a car. 

If the Democrats were smart (I know, I know - I said "if"), they would hop on the law and order bandwagon before the 2022 elections. The vast majority of people in this country, find our current lawlessness environment abhorrent. To defend the crooks and demean our cops - is a loser for sure. 

We need to edify and support our law enforcement. "Broken window" policing needs to be the law of the land. If we want our law and order to be dictated by roving war lords, we are close to that now. We are on the edge of dystopia, maybe just a nudge away from a total free for all form of mayhem. Is this the world any sane person wants to live in? I sure don't.



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