Monday, November 8, 2021

Killing us softly...

"Here is my forecast for this winter. Your house will be too cold to stay in, with the thermostat turned down to 62. But you can't go anywhere, with the price of gas being $5/gallon. Welcome to Biden's America. You just can't make this stuff up."

For a guy our former President nicknamed "Sleepy Joe", Brandon really seems to have enormous energy when it comes to the dismantling of America. Here he has not even signed the Infrastructure Bill (better known as the Green New Deal Bill) into law, and already he is planning his next move. Oh, you mean getting the Build, Back Better Bill signed into law? Nope. Even closer than that. He is considering shutting down Line 5, which brings crude oil from Canada into Michigan. 

Wait - what? I know this guy can be a moron, but nobody is that clueless! That pipeline brings in over 500,000 barrels of crude oil every day! We need it for heating oil in the wintertime! Why would he do that? Because of one of his many special interest groups. A tribe of indigenous folks in Michigan. So let me get this straight. We would take the chance on letting folks freeze this winter, all because some indigenous people don't like oil? What planet is Biden living on? I thought a President was suppose to look out for his or her people! WTH?

I mean, if Biden is so concerned about smelly gases being put into our atmosphere, he should leave the oil companies alone, and stop farting in front of the Duchess of Cornwall. Yes, she swears it happened, while at the COP 26 conference. It was "loud, long and disgusting", she reportedly said. Wait - you must be confused. You mean, when we had that unfortunate accident while meeting with the Pope? Yes, that too. One gaseous release, one not so gaseous. All in a day's work. Anyhow - back to Line 5.

Anyone remember what happened in Texas last winter, when that mega-cold front moved in? Texas thought they would be fine for the winter, with a mixture of fossil fuel and renewable energy. Without having enough fossil fuel resources on line, and with the renewable sources underperforming, Texas had a very close call with disaster. In 44 hours of sub-freezing and sub-zero cold, 69 people died. Many in their own beds.

What is the lesson we SHOULD have learned from Texas? Renewable energy may have some kind of future in our country, but is is certainly not ready for prime time as yet. To try and make it ready, when it is still un-ready, is a fool's errand. And people died because of it. 

Meanwhile, Jennifer Granholm, our Energy Czar, is still blaming our energy woes on greedy oil companies and OPEC. What kind of kool-aide does this Administration drink? Are they that stupid, or are they that crafty, to think we are that stupid for not seeing what is happening? 

Bottom line - as Biden continues to turn off our energy, he is killing us softly. We are like frogs in a tub of water, which slowly comes to a boil. Or is this case, frogs in a freezer, where the temperature slowly drops. 

Here is my forecast for this winter. Your house might be too cold to stay in, with the thermostat turned down to 62. But you can't go anywhere, as the price of gas might be $5/gallon. Welcome to Biden's America. You just can't make this stuff up.


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