Sunday, November 21, 2021

Turkey Day cometh!

"Thanksgiving is one my favorite times of the year. The house develops an aroma of many different delicious things, all cooking or baking at once. A roaring fire is going in the hearth, and football is on the TV from late morning until late at night."

The great Thanksgiving turkey scare is about over! Not enough turkeys will be available, especially in the 10-12 pound range. What did we find out? It was all rubbish. Especially in these parts. Minnesota is one of the largest turkey producers in the country. Maybe the world. My wife and I had no problem finding a right sized turkey this year - and at last year's prices. In fact, two of the stores we visited had turkeys, many different weights, for less than a buck a pound. One store gave out a free 10 pounder, if you also bought an expensive ham. 

Unlike last year, when my wife and I did not have a kitchen, AND we had the Covid scare, we should be able to have a normal Thanksgiving this year. We have invited both daughters, and my wife's sister and hubby. Not a super huge gathering, but compared to last Thanksgiving, when it was just my wife and myself, eating a crock pot turkey breast in our makeshift temporary kitchen, it will be grand!

What do we have to be thankful for this year? If I were to list all of the items, this article would be much, much too long. Even with a cloudy political climate, and a stubborn pandemic which has overstayed its welcome, our blessings are bountiful. This is the one time of year, that many of us really focus in on our blessings. It is something I should do more frequently, but I am guilty of not doing it often enough.

Thanksgiving is one my favorite times of the year. The house develops an aroma of many different delicious things, all cooking or baking at once. A roaring fire is going in the hearth, and football is on the TV from late morning until late at night. Libation, laughter, chit chat, and fun are always on the docket.

Thanksgiving is the start of most people's Yuletide season. It is the last day before Black Friday starts by hitting the "go" button. It is when "shop till you drop" starts in earnest. Yes, the most wonderful time of the year, will start with a bang.

Right now, our turkey is in the fridge, starting the slow process of thawing. On Wednesday, we will cook the turkey, and then de-bone it. On Thursday, it will be ready for its final warm-up, as the hard part of prepping the bird will be behind us. The only bad part of cooking the bird on Wednesday, is the aroma. It is a tease for the senses, as on Wednesday, we only get the smell, with none of the taste!

Here is hoping that everyone has a normal and fun Thanksgiving this year. We deserve it after the year most of us have put in. Not to mention once again, we did not have much of a Thanksgiving last year. So this year - lets make the most of it. Family, friends, food and fun. It does not get any better than that!


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