Saturday, November 20, 2021

Problem Solvers?

"Who are the real Problem Solvers? The voters. We need to rid our land of these thieves. Vote them out of office, never to return." 

Heard about the Problem Solvers Caucus? Our own Dean Phillips, one of the pretenders in today's Congress, is a member of that caucus. It is made up of 58 Congressional members, equally divided between Republican and Democrat. They have been around since January 2017, and their motto is, "Break the Gridlock." How is that working out? How did that work on the "all-nighter" to get the Build, Back Better pile of goo through the House? Let's check the numbers, shall we?

Of the 29 Democrats in the bi-partisan Problem Solvers, every one of them voted for this budget buster. Even Dean Phillips, who as an heir to cheap vodka, should know SOMETHING about business and numbers. But no - Dean and the rest of the Democrat Problem Solvers are just doing this as a charade. To see how many Republicans they can get to woo, and develop round heels, to fold on bloated legislation. 

Of the 29 Republicans in the bi-partisan Problem Solvers, every one of them voted NO. Good for them! In fact, every Republican in the House voted NO! Every Democrat, except one from Maine, voted YES. Why is this vote so telling? The CBO had just come out with findings which said "budget gimmicks were used by the authors of the bill, to make it look 'paid for'". It is not. It will explode the debt. Knowing that, the sheeple in the Democrat House, still voted for it. Including all the "Problem Solvers".

Here is the bottom line. There are no Democrats who want to be Problem Solvers. That train has left the station over a decade ago. Plus - that is not in their DNA. Today, we have AOC, Bernie, and the rest of the commies, who want to take our nation down the rathole of socialism. 

Now that this multi-trillion dollar pile of socialism has passed the House, it is up to only a couple of Democrats, who have not yet been brainwashed, to save the day. If they fold and vote for this thing, we are cooked. We will be like Humpty Dumpty after his great fall. Nobody could put him back together again. 

Who are the real Problem Solvers? The voters. We need to rid our land of these thieves. Vote them out of office, never to return. For Minnesota, Dean Phillips is one who really needs to go. Dean can go back to being a vodka tester for the company he has interest in. For the rest of us, we need Congressmen and women (and Senators), who know how to balance a budget. 

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