Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

"And here is the obscene part of this tort of law. If one of us ordinary folks perjured ourselves on a federal witness stand, or lied to the FBI, Garland's Justice Department would go after us hammer and tong. Welcome to Biden's America. May we all be able to survive the next three plus years."  

As of late, lying has become an art form. Not just little lies, big lies, told under oath. I guess that is called perjury, and has some serious legal consequences attached to it. I have thought this for some time now. Perpetual liars, such as our current President, have lied so much in their careers, that lying has become almost a norm. In other words, they can't separate truth from non-truth. It becomes "okay" to lie. 

It is one thing to lie to the American public about 1) saying you are a moderate and a uniter, and then once elected, being just the opposite, 2) telling people a gargantuan bill which contains one of the biggest tax increases in history, will not raise their taxes (and will), or 3) telling the American people everyone got out of Afghanistan during the retreat, when that was not true - and on the other hand, to lie under oath. This lying under oath thing, is particularly troublesome.

Dr. Fauci. "America's doctor." The Marcus Welby of 2020 and 2021. The man, who under oath, has been questioned by Congress, about his NIH organization helping to fund "gain of function" research with the Wuhan Lab in China. Senator Paul has known Fauci has been lying about this most important subject. In fact, Rand Paul has reminded Fauci he is under oath, and to tell the truth. No biggie - Fauci just continued to lie. Now we have the evidence to know the NIH helped fund the Wuhan Lab. Why is this important? The "gain of function" research which Fauci's organization help finance, could very well be responsible for this horrible virus which has killed more than 700,000 Americans. 

Then we have our Attorney General. What a piece of work this guy is. Under oath, he has been questioned by both the House and Senate about unleashing the FBI on parents who have been vocal with school board officials during school board meetings. Merrick Garland, under oath, denied that accusation - several times. Then, just recently, a "whistleblower" came forward with emails which show Garland not only knew about this, but also directed using the Patriot Act to go after Moms and Dads with kids in school. The Patriot Act! To be used for terrorists only. Now used on concerned citizens with kids in school! SMH.

As kids, when someone was caught lying, we would chant, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" As adults, when someone lies under oath, the handcuffs should come out, and charges should be pressed. We really need to have some of these violators of the public trust, to do the perp walk.

To think, this person, the head of our law and order system, was even considered to be a Supreme Court Justice - send chills up and down my spine. Garland should be immediately fired and then charged. But who will do that? Biden? He is just as bad. Liars don't recognize other liars as being liars.

As youngsters, many of our parents had to remind us to set a good example for those younger than us. Those who might look up to us as an example. When our nation's leaders are constantly at variance with the truth, sometimes under oath, what kind of a signal does that send to us? That lying is okay? Not really. It never should be. 

And here is the obscene part of this tort of law. If one of us ordinary folks perjured ourselves on a federal witness stand, or lied to the FBI, Garland's Justice Department would go after us hammer and tong. Welcome to Biden's America. May we all be able to survive the next three plus years.  

1 comment:

  1. "Welcome to Biden's America. May we all be able to survive the next three plus years."

    Given his condition, it may prove less than that.
