Friday, September 20, 2013

"It is the law of the land!"


"Oh come on, it can't be that bad, can it? Well can it???"

If I hear one more time, from any person, that we should just keep quiet because "Obama Care is the law of the land", I think I will puke. Did it get voted into law by Congress? Yes, barely. However, if you take the fraudulent election of Al Franken, maybe not. Did it get signed into law by POTUS? Yup. Did it make it though the Supreme Court? Yes, with caveats. Is it understood my many? Nope - not even a few. Is it popular? As Steve Austin, professional wrestler would say, "That is a hell no!"

The irony this month (and I do love irony), there is a feeble attempt to de-fund Obama Care in the House just a week before the big debt ceiling showdown between Congress and the White House. Why is this an irony? Anyone with an IQ higher than 50 knows the debt is driven primarily by our three entitlements - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Now we are getting ready to almost fully implement a forth entitlement - and possibly the most expensive. With Obama Care, our out of control debt could explode even faster than what the CBO predicted earlier this month.

This "House of Cards" called Obama Care is dependent on some very iffy factors:
  • Old people will understand they need to "take one for the team" and just accept hospice over treatment.
  • Doctors need to understand the reimbursement from the government will be much less than the normal fees they have collected in the past. They will be expected to "take one for the team" and stay in the profession.
  • Unions are expected to forget what was promised on the campaign trail and accept a much more sub-standard health package than they are accustomed to. Quit belly aching, and "take one for the team".
  • Young, healthy people are expected to pay high premiums for health insurance to offset the higher costs that other cannot or will not pay. Again, they need to "take one for the team", even if it screws up their future.
  • Profit driven companies are expected to "suck it up" and provide health insurance for all, regardless of how many hours worked. They need to "take one for the team" instead of dumping workers into the exchanges.
My feeling right now is we need to triage the wounds on this very flawed law, and then perform surgery to make it work. We are stuck with it. I really don't think we can un-ring the bell. We should put our egos aside, everyone agree it is a mess, and then delay implementation for at least a year (maybe two). In that time, fix it - fix it so it does not tank the economy, and become a job killer like it is starting to show itself to be. It will never be as good as what we had, but like I said, the bell has been rung.

It has been said that success has many fathers, but failure is always an orphan. As far as Obama Care is concerned, this failure is not an orphan - there are many, many fathers that contributed to this mess. The American people are tired of this whole thing. They are tired on uncertainty, they are tired of double talk, they are tired of infighting, and most of all, they are tired of being lied to. In a land of lies, the truth talkers stand the tallest. We have never needed truth talkers more than we need them now. 

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