Sunday, September 22, 2013

Our Messy World....


"Dear Mother Earth, what in the world are we doing to you, and those who call you home?"

There is a story going around on the internet that aliens form outer space have been observing us for centuries. They are interested in how we are developing as a species. In particular, they are very interested in why humans are so intent on killing one another. The story continues the aliens are very concerned these primitives on Planet Earth have now harnessed the atom and have the ability to destroy everyone and everything.

This story may be true, or just good theater. In any event, the point is well taken. What in the world is wrong with us that human life has become so cheap? We kill each other for the most simple of reasons. In Africa, Al-Shabaab kills Christians just because they are not Muslims. In Rwanda,Tutsi and Hutu tribes killed each other in the most gruesome fashion. Sunnis kill Shiites (and visa versa) because they do not have the right tribal background. In Chicago, as well as other large American cities, young men kill other young men just because they are wearing the wrong gang colors or somebody has felt "dissed".

We take this thing called life and treat it like it has no value. The truth is, every human life on this planet has immense value. Each life is unique - there has never been a person born who was a duplicate and never will be in the future. Each life should be celebrated in the same manner that John Donne wrote about:

Any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee..

Donne did not see the cheapness in life - rather immense value. Even though he lived centuries ago, his wisdom is sound yet today. Life is special, life is precious, life should be cherished and protected.

Last night I listened to one of my favorite worship hymns by Don Moen - When its all been said and done. In the song, Don talks about life when we get to the end of our journey. There is nothing "cheap" about the way it is addressed:

When it's all been said and done
There is just one thing that matters
Did I do my best to live for truth?
Did I live my life for you?

When it's all been said and done
All my treasures will mean nothing
Only what I have done
For love's rewards
Will stand the test of time

Our lives, our world deserve so much better from us - all of us. Every day I pledge to redouble my efforts to live for truth - to love life, to love each other. If aliens are watching, this is the kind of treatment humans give and receive I would like them to see.



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