Saturday, July 19, 2014

Let them see You...


 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28, verses 18-20

Every now and again, a song comes to mind which really convicts me. The message in this song is not a new idea, it really is ancient. In fact, it goes back to Matthew 28 in the Holy Bible. It deals with the Great Commission. If you are going to a church that never mentions this most important verse in the Bible, I suggest you try a different church. You see in my humble opinion, this is what our faith is all about.

Ever since I really learned about the Great Commission, I have not taken it lightly. It goes far beyond standing on a street corner soap box, preaching in a loud voice. Not that it is bad - it is just not for everyone. So where does that leave the rest of us, those who want to practice this most important commission, but are not gifted or inclined to preach?

It is quite simple really. Not only can we be the hands and feet of Christ by serving others, we can be "Christ like" in our behavior and actions. I know, I know - easier said that done. If anyone is looking at me for an example, please look the other way. I am still a work in progress. I will say this however - every day, I am learning more and more how to measure my words and temperament. I am reminded how Ephesians teaches us to edify others and how James 3 warns us of the evil of the tongue.

So now I am back to the song. A song performed by The JJ Weeks Band. A song called Let them see You. A song I cannot get out of my head. Not so much for the melody, but for the message. This song is a prayer song, asking that in everything that we say, in everything we do, people can see Christ through us. Wow. Asking broken people in a broken world to do such things. However, Jesus has told us when we belong to Him, we are a new creation. A new creation in the world, not off the world (based on Romans 12:2).

Many times I run across people who are very uncomfortable with the mandate of Matthew 28.  They don't believe they can do anything to fulfill this most important commandment. Yes we can. It is just a matter of putting the Matthew 28 filter in between our mind and our mouth. So that what we say to others can be God honoring. It is also a matter of incorporating Matthew 28 into our bodies, so everything we do can be God honoring.

Easy? Heck no! I fail daily. However, I dust myself off and keep on trying. It is just too important not to.

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