Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The story nobody buys...


"What do you mean you want to send them back? They are only children!"

By now most everyone has seen what is going on with our southern border. It is a mess beyond comprehension. Young people, some accompanied, many not, are coming to our border by the hundreds, by the thousands, asking for mercy. Code speak - they are asking for amnesty. It seems peculiar, very, very peculiar that this tidal wave of youngsters would try to breach our border the summer before a very important midterm.

Anyone who does not believe our Administration is behind this - well, I have some vacation land to sell you in Iraq. The Democrats love pulling play # 1 out of their playbook - "Its for the children." And how many times have we heard that one? Currently we have so many kids coming in from mostly Central America, it is estimated 75% of our Border Agents are now day care providers. To help alleviate the crowding on the border, some bright bulb in Washington decreed that these kids, many of whom have bad and contagious health issues, be sent all over the country using public transportation.

Last night a commentator on a news show I watch had a very good point. Where is the Mexican Border Patrol on their southern border? Where is the military on their northern border. In other words, is Mexico complicit in this mass exodus? What about our National Guard backing up our Border Patrol? What in the hell is President Bystander doing? As usual, nothing. Except covering up the crime. Just like Fast and Furious, just like Benghazi, just like the VA mess, just the IRS (do I really need to continue?) 

The best part of the story of course, is President Blameless blaming Congress. In particular, the Republicans in Congress for not passing "meaningful" Immigration Reform. Even though the President has told us more than once the fence on our southern border fence is complete, empirical evidence has shown that less than 5% is in fact completed. How secure are we? Well, uneducated kids from Central America have no trouble getting in. How do we think Al Qaeda or ISIS will fare? A walk in the park I dare say.

One final thing this commentator said last night. A fair way to handle the millions who are here illegally is to have them register with our government. Name, age, and place of origin. They would then be allowed to get a work permit. No citizenship, no benefits. They would get in line for legal citizenship like everyone else. Failure to register would be a felony and would result in hard jail time followed by deportation. Plain and simple as that.

I am afraid even if the Republicans take back the Senate, this President will continue to thumb his nose at the law. He has turned the Presidency into an imperial office of self governing. What is happening on the border right now fits the script. Total bedlam and chaos. As he was taught in college by studying Alinski, Cloward and Piven, more of this to come in the next two years. God help us all. 

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