Thursday, July 10, 2014

When war comes...


What a piece of work is man,
How noble in reason.
How dare they try to end this beauty?
What a piece of work is man

This is an updated repost from last summer. It is more relevant today than it was just a few months ago.

There is an urban legend that aliens from another realm have visited this planet for centuries. They have studied our culture in great detail. The one thing they cannot understand however, is man's inhumanity to man. In other words, they don't understand war. They don't understand how we can hate each other enough to want to kill each other, sometimes in the most inhumane ways.

It has often been said the two greatest forces which have protected our nation are the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Hard to get an army over here without being detected and neutralized. However, that all changed on September 11, 2001. We saw first hand how bold ideas and brazen actions brought the war on terror to our shores. How it cost almost 3,000 innocent American's their lives. How it changed the way we live, maybe forever.

War is coming. It is already in the Middle East and Northern Africa. And it is not pretty. It is a war as ancient as Isaac and Ishmael. It is as old as Richard the Lionhearted and the Crusades. It has been modernized and brutalized. There will be no Geneva Convention for the rules of engagement. We have seen people of the same religion, yet opposite viewpoints destroy each other.

As we continue to debate the pros and cons of non-lethal interrogation, the other side beheads all who get in the way. We put classy bumper stickers which say "coexist" on our cars , while the other side exterminates Coptic Christians. As we chose to be "PC" about all religions, the other side looks at the non-believers to their religion as infidels and vermin.

When war comes to our side of the water, things will never be the same. We will see heinous acts of barbarism never before thought possible. Children, women, the infirmed, it will not matter. We need to be ready. We need to secure our borders. We need to ratchet down our visa program. If we are not prepared for war when it comes to our shores, it will be hard to stop. We will all be in huge trouble.

No more PC, no more verbiage. We need action and we need it now. Some think this is the start of the next global war. They might be right. Or it might be the start of Armageddon. In any event, it will be the start of something bad. 

The next time some posts a video of heinous acts perpetrated by ISIL in Iraq or Syria, brace yourself, and then watch it. It won't be easy, it won't be pretty. This is war in all it's ugly Technicolor. There is no glamor. War is breaking things and killing people. For the uncivilized such as ISIL, it is killing others in the most cruel and inhumane way.

The clock is ticking. I hope and pray it is not too late. We need to pay attention. We need to be vigilant. We need to be involved, and hold our leaders responsible to protect the Republic. The bad guys are only hoping that we stay unattached, unmotivated. God help us if we are.


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