Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Democrat Blues


"Some look at the symbol and see a donkey. Others just see an ass..."

Oh, how I hate it when good statists fight amongst themselves! And over such trivial matters, such as our out of control spending. If you look at the past six months, it has not gone very well for the Democrats. Not at all. Both in the state as well as nationally. Trying to keep the lid on is hard - especially when what is under the lid is as flimsy as a house of cards.

For example:
  • The Feud - My, oh my! The Minnesota Senate Leader and our fearless Governor getting into a kerfuffle! And over what? A few measly dollars going towards a raise for the Governor's cabinet? Okay, so it is not measly. In fact, it is outrageous. For some cabinet members, it would have been tens of thousands of dollars. The Governor said he "no longer trusts the Senate Leader - he has stabbed the Governor in the back." The Senate Leader refused to respond - and he refuses to budge. The pay raises are off the table until at least summer. My view? I hope they go through. The Republicans will have an absolute field day with that issue come 2016.
  • MNSure - This is the gift that keeps on giving. MNSure is more screwed up than Hogan's Goat, and has been since the get-go. If not the web site, it was the lack of signups. Now we find out there have been extravagant raises given out to the guilty. Huge chunks of money being paid for lousy performances on a lousy program. Keep it up - like I said, good fodder for the Republicans in 2016.
  • Retirees - Seems many of the Democrats continue to turn a tin ear to the pleas of cash strapped seniors in this state. Pleas to ease up on their taxes. Nope. The state needs the money. We programs, lots and lots and lots of programs that need care and feeding. Republicans on the other hand, believe it is wrong to tax the socks off of our seniors. First, we should NOT be taxing military pay. Next we should NOT be taxing social security. Most states do not tax either of these. Stay tuned on this one folks - it is going to be a very hot issue this summer.
  • ObamaCare - This one is almost funny. Two of the Socialists who pushed this piece of crap through the Congress in 2009 are Representatives Levin and McDermott. Now that it is law, they want some of it changed. They want the penalty for not signing up in time for ObamaCare lifted for this year. Seems that paying the penalty would just not be "fair" for some folks. Well, boo-hoo! You asked for Frankenstein's Monster, now live with it!
There are more - much, much more. However I have not had the time to spend digging into the bowels of local and national Democratic mayhem. Because we are at war with Islamic terrorists, that is my focus right now. Many of the Democrats on the other hand, do not believe we are at war. In fact, they don't even believe in the term Islamic terrorism. What so they believe in? Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy and money trees. Lots and lots of money trees.

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