Saturday, February 7, 2015

The occluded path ahead...


"Word Speak = Random words and names spoken in a effort to promote a sense of intelligence and credibility in the speaker; quoting an overabundance of names and references that are unverifiable in an effort to make you or your theory more credible."
The Urban Dictionary

Okay, that is it. I have decided I need to hire a translator. One who knows how to translate "Word Speak" into common English that morons like I can understand. I listened to our National Security Advisor speak yesterday on the ISIL (or ISIS) threat. I understood very little of it. In fact, it was the biggest bunch of gobbledy gook that I have heard in quite some time. Say, since she tried to explain the Benghazi mess.

I almost feel sorry for this woman. Well, that is "almost" using very small font. She is just a puppet for the real power in the White House. No, that is not President teleprompter. It is our resident Iranian, Valarie Jarrett. I am convinced more and more that she is running a shadow government inside the White House. It is not Denis (yes, it is spelled correctly) McDonough from Minnesota - it is Valarie Jarrett from Tehran.

In the word of "plain speak", instead of "Word Speak", we can understand King Abdullah from Jordan on how to fight ISIL. When the King says, "We will pursue them until we run out of gas and bullets", even simpletons like me can understand. However, when Ms. Rice states we will use "strategic patience", many of us are left scratching our heads.

Please Ms. Rice, follow the example of fellow Democrat Harry Truman. He was known for plain speaking. You know, speak to the people so they will understand. The Valarie Jarrett school of obfuscation only leads us down another occluded path. Heck, Valarie won't even let the power brokers n the White House use the real name of our enemy. It is almost as if she is over-protecting the fine name of Islam. Not what you would expect from someone born in Iran (sarcasm included).

So as we watch the King and his Jordanian Air Force take out high value target after high value target, the question begs to be asked - if those targets are so high valued, why have not we taken them out earlier? Is this part of our new doctrine of "strategic patience"? How about some plain speaking similar to "give em' hell Harry" Truman or King Abdullah? All our President has done this week is give Christians hell for what happened during the Crusades. It seems that Christians are as bad as Islamic terrorists.

So where is our path ahead for the remaining 700+ days of this Administration? It sure beats me. Maybe Ms. Rice can help me out, as right now the trail looks very occluded indeed...      

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