Thursday, March 19, 2015

Against the will of the people


"I'm Henry the 8th I am, Henry the 8th I am, I am..."
   ♫                             ♫                                

You have to really hand it to him. He does not discriminate. He has no favorites. Now that the Israeli elections are over, he is going to give a poke in the eye to the Israeli people. He is really angry with them. He is out and out pissed they did not get the message. They voted in Bibi Netanyahu for another term. Now our President is really going to fix them.

And how is our leader going to fix the "backstabbing" Israeli people? By using the UN of course. Instead of using the UN for what it was founded for (like stopping ISIL and Boko Haram), our President is going to use it to meddle in one of our staunchest allies internal affairs.

And this comes AFTER he tried to sway the election in Israel by using a cover agency called Victory 15. The Obama Administration's State Department have their fingerprints all over this one. Our tax dollars ($350k) were funneled under a thinly disguised tax exempt status (where is Lois Lerner when we need her), to a "Anyone but Bibi campaign" in Israel. It didn't work. And now that we know about it, somebody in this corrupt Administration needs to be fired and/or go to jail.

I was so mad yesterday, I was literally spitting tacks. I ever wrote a letter to my Congressman. What is wrong with our President? Has the power of this office really gone to his head that much? This scandal, on top of so many others in the past 6+ years, has left me speechless, dazed and confused. He truly does make all prior presidents look like saints in comparison (even the now famous Jimmy Carter.) He shreds our Constitution as if it was a piece of junk mail.

He continues to govern against the will of the American people. The message went out loud and clear last November during those historic elections. Most states (except of course the very blue state of Minnesota) got the message. Obama did not. Screw the American people. Now it is also screw the Israeli people. The king must have his way. Well sir, we are not a monarchy. We are a democratic republic. Lease wise, that is the way our Constitution established us. You of all people should know that. You did teach Constitution law, right?

Rather than backing the nefarious Muslim Brotherhood, we should be supporting Israel in its ongoing struggles with neighboring nations who want her exterminated. Regardless of what Valarie Jarrett says, we should be supporting Israel over her native Iran. Most of all, this Administration needs to remember it works for the American people - not the other way around. And the support for Israel by the American people is strong.

2016 cannot come soon enough. Once this Administration is over, we need to clean house. Clean house, from top to bottom. Once that is done, spray it all down with disinfectant.

1 comment:

  1. I am angry along with you! You have a way with words! Keep on, keeping on! God's favor and blessing to you and yours!
