Friday, March 27, 2015

Will the Arab Spring turn into a Nuclear Winter?


"If this was not real, many would think it was a remake of the Manchurian Candidate..."

I would like to meet someone who is very smart. Smarter than me, smarter than my friends, smarter than Steven Hawking. I really do need to talk to someone that smart to explain WTH has happened in the Middle East! How in the world could we be complicent to mucking this up so bad? Sometime this weekend, we could truly be dancing with the devil. Not a waltz -  dancing cheek to cheek.

This morning when my eyes opened up, I switched on the TV. A few times a week I watch the unwatchable MSNBC just to see them defend the undefendable. Today was different. A panel of pundits was talking about the nearness of a deal with Iran. How it will make a very bad situation in the Middle East so much worse. This is MSNBC is saying that. Imagine what normal stations are saying. I know what I have been reading. And the word "treasonous" keeps popping up.

As most of us know by now, the situation in Yemen has gone from bad to catastrophic. We now have a full blown proxy war going on between Iran and Saudi Arabia. We are backing the Saudis (sort of), while negotiating with Iran to let them have - basically everything they have asked for. The situation in Yemen is so bad, oil experts are warning the price of oil could go up like a Roman candle. If it does, bye-bye $2.25 gasoline. Right before the travel time of a long awaited summer.

I have never seen a negotiation like this before. I have never seen capitulation like this. Actually it is not a negotiation - it is a surrender. One might ask why. Why in the world would we throw Israel under the bus? Expose their secrets which they have entrusted to us? Why would we allow the Iranians to keep the centrifuges turning in an underground, hardened facility? Why would our Administration keep the details hidden from Congress? Why do we give preference to the Muslim Brotherhood? My answer, my guess, is two words. Valarie Jarrett.

Born in Iran and raised in the Muslim faith, she is the puppet master in the White House. Take one part of her, mix in with three parts ideologues like Susan Rice, John Kerry and Barack Obama, and you have a witch's brew boiling in a cauldron. And what is going to come out of this cauldron? Nuclear madness. This Iranian deal will set off an arms race the likes of which the world has not seen for decades. Many nations in the Middle East will not tolerate Iran being the sole nuclear power. If they can't stop them, they will join them. The result will be a mad scramble towards Armageddon.

For those who voted for Barak Obama (twice) please remember this - elections have consequences. This one will have dire consequences. This clown car running our government is all due to low information voters electing a community organizer who wanted to "transform America".

Well kids, you got your wish. Our country has been transformed. It has been transformed into a semi-Socialized mess, the Russian Bear is once again on the loose, and the Middle East is on fire. For those who voted for this - good luck. In fact, good luck to all of us. We will need plenty of luck and most likely Devine intervention to come back from this precipice.

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