Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Isolationist to Hegemonist?

"As much as we would like to say our world is sunshine and lollipops, it is not. As we have seen from world history, evil always seems to find a way to fill a vacuum." 

The man is waiting in the wings. Biding his time so to speak, just waiting until January 20th. Meanwhile, the world continues to turn. Stuff is happening. North Korea is starting to act up again. Terror has struck in Turkey. The Syrian mess always seems to get messier. The centrifuges in Iran continue to turn. And of course, the possible false flag of Russia being behind the hack of the DNC. 

Many around the world are starting to wonder what the world will be like a month from now. They know what the world has been like for the past eight years. With a feckless United Nations and a isolationist United States, any country who had designs on expansionism or regional influence, basically went unchecked. What will happen with a President Trump? Some fear that Donald Trump might try to run the world like he has run his businesses. In other words, they fear he will be a hegemonist.

I have said this before, and it has got me in trouble with some who read my blogs. I favor a strong United States in the world. I don't even mind being considered the world's "policeman". Why? As much as we would like to say our world is sunshine and lollipops, it is not. As we have seen from world history, evil always seems to find a way to fill a vacuum. Over the past eight years, we have seen the Islamic State do things to innocent people which are so graphic, they can't be put in print. And yet, there was nobody there to stop them.

When I hear that Donald Trump will lead our country into hegemony, I reject that premise. I do however, think we are going to see a more "Reaganesque" type diplomacy around the world. There are many (myself included) who think that our current President has had his ears boxed by tin horn dictators. That has made our country look weak. I don't believe that will happen under a President Trump.

The problems that President Trump will face in getting our global presence turned around will be as daunting as getting our economy going and our healthcare fixed. First off, the Iran deal needs to be fixed. Right now, that deal in nothing more than a ticket to ride for Iran to build a nuclear program. They are becoming another North Korea. Only this state (Iran) has vowed to wipe the State of Israel off the map.

Speaking of North Korea, while the United Nations and the United States have done NOTHING, this rogue state has been going gang busters in building bigger bombs and more stout delivery systems. They recently announced they will test fire an ICBM. To get this genie back into the bottle will be President Trump's biggest challenge. 

One more thing. President Obama has been a one man wrecking crew to the military. His actions towards our military has exhibited an antipathy towards force readiness. Our Navy has new ships which don't work, the Army is critically short of troops, and the Air Force Chief of Staff recently said he needed an additional 30,000 airmen just to meet force requirements. 

President Trump has a huge wall to climb once he is sworn in. When Obama took office, he lamented on how messy the world was he inherited from President Bush. I think Donald Trump would take that world over the one he is inheriting from Obama in a heartbeat.      

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