Sunday, January 7, 2018

Star Wars, revisited

"If you thought 9/11 or Super Storm Sandy brought the northeast corridor to a stand still, imagine what a nuke in the center of Manhattan would do." 

Sorry folks. This is not a movie review. Although I did see the new Star Wars sequel, prequel, or whatever it was. No, this is about Ronald Reagan's Star Wars. Now a history buff might be saying, "What? That ruse?" And I would respond to that in the affirmative. It was a ruse. But a good one at that. It helped force the Soviets into submission and then dissolution.

Truthfully speaking - I never stayed awake at night worrying about a surprise nuclear attack from the Soviets. An accidental launch is quite another matter. Why did I not worry that much about a deliberate nuclear attack? Because the Soviets believed in the concept of MAD as much as we did. It was the great balancing act which kept the world safe from nuclear annihilation for decades. 

But that was then and this is now. We have found out we cannot keep the world from germinating nut balls like the ones in North Korea or Iran. Nut balls who don't believe in MAD. Nut balls who think a nuclear war is winnable. Nut balls who just for the heck of it, might want to launch a nuke at one of our cities.

What can we do to stop this madness? Nothing. It will be what it will be. The nuclear genie has been out of the bottle since 1945, and there is no going back inside. So what do we do? Wait for the first strike and hope against hope it is either not our city or one we are downwind from? No and no. Using our technology and science, we come up with a Star Wars program which is not a ruse. One that is fail safe and fool proof. In other words, one which really works.

I know that not a day goes by where our wizards of smart are not trying to make our BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense) more robust and reliable. That gives me some solace. However, I want this nation to be enveloped by a net of impenetrable defenses. I want the ability to take out any enemy missile from wave-top to apogee and back again. One that will work each time, every time, against a rogue launch or a saturation attack. 

In the news today, it was reported that our intelligence officials were caught a bit "flat footed" by the Norks. They went from telling the President we had four years before the Norks were a threat to our homeland, to they are a threat right now. It is time for President Trump to go in front of Congress and ask for emergency funding to launch our new Star Wars program.

If you thought 9/11 or Super Storm Sandy brought the northeast corridor to a stand still, imagine what a nuke in the center of Manhattan would do. It would take decades and trillions of dollars to recover, if at all. If we have not taken this threat seriously in the past, it is time to do so now.    


  1. The original Star Wars concept was a space-based laser able to knock out missiles in the boost phase, so they landed back on the shooters. We are not there yet, unfortunately. We can do it with ground-based lasers or interceptor missiles, but I sense we are hesitant to attempt such at this stage because a failure would boost Kim's ego too much, and he is dangerous enough already. I'm thinking we send in a stealth airborne laser and burn a couple of his houses down, and see what happens.

    1. Why do we publicize our faliures? No other country does,
      After years of testing and the operational deployment of multiple types of missile interceptors on the ground and at sea, a ballistic missile defense "shield" so to speak remains elusive.
      Not only are the missiles' reliability questionable, but so is the globally distributed infrastructure of sensors and data links that supports them. Additionally, it is widely known that there is a shortage of actual interceptors, with Navy surface combatants having to swap inventories at sea to fill empty vertical launch cells when leaving and arriving on station.

  2. I think you like to spend money like a liberal. Different side of the coin, same results. Deficits like Greece. Not going to happen.

    How about dealing with one enemy at a time. The Wall first, then deport all undesirables, first by religion, then by color, then by nationality, then by sexual orientation and finally by physical characteristics.
    You will then live in Der Nationalist state you seem to desire.
    Have a great day,

    1. You forgot I also want to deport everyone from California and certain ones from Arizona... ;>)
