Saturday, March 31, 2018

Happy Easter from the Bird!

Because this is the end of Holy Week, that special time between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I will have no new postings. Yesterday, I re-posted one of my favorites - "Around the Bend Gently". To me, this week, especially these three days, are a time for reflection. Are there things going on which I could address right now? That and more. But they can wait. Right now it is the time to reflect on the event which changed the world for everyone for evermore. 

If you are with friends and/or family this weekend, enjoy the time. If you are not, you are still not truly alone. Even though it looks a whole lot more like Christmas than Easter, have a blessed day tomorrow. And to quote my good friend Jack, tell someone in your family you love them. I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. "And now brothers, I will ask you a terrible question, and God knows I ask it also of myself. Is the truth beyond all truths, beyond the stars, just this: that to live without him is the real death, that to die with him the only life?”
    ― Frederick Buechner, The Magnificent Defeat
