Friday, May 18, 2018

And over, and over, and over again...

"One more thing for you parents out there. I have addressed this before. If your kids are going to a government school which is not hardened, get them out of there. I would. The risk is not worth it. Until we address the real core issues of these shootings, they will go on until time immortal." 

I don't know if I should cry or scream. But before I would do either, I need to try and understand what in the hell is going on in our schools. Another school shooting today? Maybe ten dead? In Texas? Please don't take this the wrong way, but after the last shooting in Florida, I said the next one was already in the planning process. And it was going to happen somewhere, location yet to be determined. How did I know that? Because we refuse to harden our schools.

No, rather than hardening our schools, we would rather get into another inane nationwide argument on the Second Amendment and/or banning the NRA. Neither of those discussions prove fruitful. So the real problem(s) on why these shootings happen, and the viable solution, goes dormant.

I have said this before, but I think it bears repeating. As a child of the 50's and 60's, the thought of shooting someone was out of the question. Never considered. The thought of bringing a gun into a school, and shooting some fellow students - again, out of the question. Why do I bring this up? People my age feel like a stranger in a strange land trying to understand these recent shootings.

When we were up in Duluth this week, we drove by a somewhat large middle school. There was a deputy sheriff's car parked in the parking lot. I assumed this deputy was acting as a school community service officer. Least wise, I hoped so. 

There was another attempted school shooting earlier in the week. A school community service officer was present and took care of the situation. The youth only got off one shot and nobody was hit. The community service officer, then dropped (but not fatally) the youth with one shot. It was textbook how it was suppose to work.

One more thing for you parents out there. I have addressed this before. If your kids are going to a government school which is still not hardened, get them out of there. I would. The risk is not worth it. Until we address the real core issues of these shootings, they will go on until time immortal. 


  1. You are definitely correct in your unspoken statement that private schools are safer than public schools.
    Gang Presence: 2% of Private Schools – 19% of Public Schools
    Odds of Becoming a Victim of Crime: 2% at Private Schools – 4% at Public Schools
    Physical Attack by another Student: 3% at Private Schools – 6% at Public Schools
    Sadly, many of those sending their children to dangerous public schools don't have a choice in the matter - as school assignment is typically based on geography and private schools cost money they don't have. And scholarships only go to the best/brightest.
    Private school parents can send their children anywhere they want as they have the means.
    The critical mass of engaged students and parents that’s integral to creating a safe and positive environment seems to be lacking at many of today’s public schools. And it may be impossible to attain when everything is both free and compulsory.
    Regarding hardening of Public Schools, I would think that it would be a problem if a given sub-set of schools were hardened (whatever you mean by that) and the rest weren't.
    There would be some sort of inequity and push back on that.
    So, if the solution is to harden all Public Schools, than be ready to open your pocketbooks to provide for the immense cost of such an effort.
    There are three common denominators in the 22 school shootings this year. White, un-diagnosed mental problems and guns.
    You pick which one would be most easily addressed.
    I already have.

    1. I forgot the fourth, Public (government) Schools.

  2. At least 8 students have been shot and killed at Santa Fe High School.
    Prepare to watch the NRA boast about getting higher donations.
    Prepare to see students rise up and be called ‘civil terrorists’ and crisis actors.
    Prepare for the right-wing media to attack the survivors.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Mike here) Ooopsie there, Gjerdingen, you neglected to mention the 4th "common denominator"--And that is, that these twisted people are ALWAYS liberals/democrats. NEVER are they NRA members or Conservatives.

    OH, and let's "prepare" for liberals/democrats to blame it all on the NRA and to go after the 2nd amendment with a renewed vengeance.

    1. I would guess H.S. students rarely identify themselves as liberal/democrats OR NRA/conservatives.
      I also think all the energy has been wrung out of those of us who thought we could make any difference.
      We realize there is no avenue, be it legislative or common sense that remains in our quest to protect our students.
      Americans of high-school age are 82 times more likely to die from a gun homicide than 15- to 19-year-olds in the rest of the developed world.
      We are comfortable with that as a nation, anything else is FAKE NEWS.

    2. (Mike here) Of course they identify as liberals (overwhelmingly). That's why the democrat party wants 16-year-olds to be able to vote, and that's why elected democrats organize and march against the 2nd amendment alongside school kids. And don't tell me we can't protect our kids from getting shot at school; you begin by replacing "gun-free zone" signs with armed guards and armed teachers. And get your facts straight on what kids are more likely to die from, which would be drugs or driving.


  4. In the last five years, close to 7,300 children have been killed by guns in the United States.
    That is more than the number of active duty service members killed dating back to the Vietnam War.

  5. Replying to @SenTedCruz
    Thoughts and prayers without action is just words.
    Words without action does not accomplish anything.
    You might as well fry some more bacon on your AR-15 as tweet thoughts and prayers words.

  6. Again, let me State a couple of facts and then propose an actual solution. First, there were more kids killed in Chicago this month than were killed in these two recent school shooting incidents. where's the concern? Second, after cries to "do something" in response to school shootings many years ago, Congress passed the "gun free school zone" act. Since then, EVERY school shooting has taken place in a gun-free zone. It is a mystery how that is even possible, but perhaps those hell-bent on violating laws against murder many times over are not dissuaded by a misdemeanor gun law violation?

    What seems obvious to me is that more gun laws are not the solution. I believe if we could get the "Free Press" to steadfastly and consistently refuse to report the name, photo, background and method of the shooter, that these crimes would quickly stop, because there would be no "glory" in doing it, and no pattern to copycat. It has been said that among sick minds this has become a competition. If the prize and recognition are taken away, so goes the motive.

    1. 1st Amendment is as important as the 2nd.
      The school police officer was one of the people shot.
      Little good he did.
      Chicago is young black men killing young black children and each other. Nobody cares! And you know it.

  7. (Mike here) You're absolutely right in every regard, Jerry. I've said the very same things over and over again. But liberals Like the, Gjerdingen's, aren't concerned with solutions, they just want to ban guns and blame everything on America (did you see where she even singled out "whites" as the problem too??) Liberals are OUTRAGEOUS. And they're LIARS. Gjerdingen regurgitates the CNN and MSNBC big-fat-lie that there have been 22 school shootings. What they don't tell you, is that their "22" statistic includes: shootings [close by] to the school, suicides, gang violence in close proximity,............and even BB guns that were fired at school buses. Liberals would have you believe that what just happened in TX has happened "22 times" this year. They lie like Hell. So don't expect any solutions from liberals/democrats. People like you and I have the answer, but we're dealing with people who think if you simply post a "gun-free zone sign" out front, that bad guys will miraculously stay away. And then, when bad guys do shoot up the place, liberals blame the NRA and the 2nd amendment. All you have to do is read everything, Gjerdingen, spewed in her comments, and you know exactly what we're up against.

  8. Nobody cares!!??? If you are going to pontificate from On High about what should be done to keep kids from being shot, then the color of the victim and the color of the perpetrator should not matter to you. Unless you have a solution that solves both the Chicago and Parkland problems-- and REALLY solves them, unlike the "gun free zones" solutions you liberals concocted before-- please don't be insulting those of us that do.

    As for the first amendment, you know you can't shout "fire" in a crowded theatre, right? And we don't publish the names of rape victims. So how about a little discretion here, that would most likely greatly reduce the problem? Tell us more about that alien baby or two-headed cow. Or about Trump's collusion with Russia.

    1. I have no solution. And eliminating 1st Ammendment protection of a "Free Press" is not a solution. Banning guns is no solution. Hardened schools may protect them, but not the malls, theaters, night clubs etc.
      What else would you propose? Thoughts and Prayers? LOL

    2. Stay tuned for tomorrow. It really is not the Government (so to speak), that the 2A protects us from.

  9. In a place of 13,000 residents and more than a dozen churches, the focus has been on prayers and siting the shooting in the context of a biblical battle between good and evil, rather than framing it as an avoidable consequence of policy failures in a country with a unique gun culture.

  10. (Mike here) What's your solution, Gjerdingen?? To ban guns like they did in Chicago and Paris?? Or plant more "gun-free zone signs"?? Hey, Gjerdingen, let's say you liberals get your wish and only the big, bad government has guns (no more 2nd amendment), what will your solution be for the following murder weapons: Knives, bats, rocks, Bombs, machetes, cars, trucks and planes,..............................?? Come on, Gjerdingen, let's hear the liberal solution. Have never heard it (other than more laws and restrictions on law-abiding citizens). So here's your big chance, Gjerdingen, lay out your step-by-step solution to gun violence. I've done it, Larry's done it, and many of Larry's followers have done it. Now it's time for YOU to put up, or shut up.

  11. I have no solution, never postulated one!
    As long as humans walk the earth, there will be violence.
    I would guess we can thank Adam, or Cain and Abel, or the ape from 2001 A Space Odyssey, or Satan, take your pick.
    Jerry's suggestion of "Eliminating the Free Press" and the 1st Amendment isn't going to do it.
    I'm not clear on what your solution is, so I can't comment.
    Maybe we should take the Bird's advice and feel comfortable in the knowledge that if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, and are a victim of violence, your reward will be revealed in the hereafter.
    I don't think humans can do better than that.

  12. (Mike here) So just to be clear, Dave, you are not advocating in any way to dismantle our 2nd amendment, right?? Or to water it down anymore?? Nor do you think that passing more laws and restrictions on law-abiding Americans will in way prevent gun violence, correct?? And I'm sure you don't believe that infringing on law abiding citizens will keep bad guys from doing harm, yes?? Or that keeping guns out of the hands of good guys will mean that bad guys won't get 'em, right?? Or that posting "gun-free zone signs" will in any way prevent tragedy?? Are we on the same page here so far??

    1. Absolutely! I used to believe some incremental changes could be made to MAGA, i.e. Safer from gun violence. But no longer. I haven't read or heard of any change that would prevent a bad guy from doing harm.
      I do wish, with all the tachnology available, that we could identify and assist at-risk youth from acting out. Seems like most of the recent violators had been on social media sites related to previous violence.
      Ps What would you suggest?

  13. (Mike here) I would: 1--Secure our schools like we do when getting on a plane or entering a governmental building, and then have sufficient armed guards and armed teachers in place to deal effectively with any threat. 2--Strengthen the 2nd amendment with reciprocity and concealed carry; and in no way can we limit capacities or semi-automatics. 3--Actually enforce the laws that are on the books; which means bad guys go to jail, no slaps on the wrist, and no 'revolving door'. 4--Strengthen mental background checks. 5--Take family and friends seriously when they report trouble in the making (I mean really, how many times has the government been warned and done NOTHING?? Like with, Cruz). 6--Change the culture which has so eroded the wellbeing of our children: i.e. Family cohesion (too many fathers are out of the picture), and let's put God back into society and back in our schools.

    Nothing will stop evil from playing itself out, but being prepared for it is the best deterrent, and the ONLY way to thwart/mitigate an attack (that means leaving our 2nd amendment as it was written). Along with putting morals and values back into society. I'm 63 years old, and NEVER did anything on today's scale ever happen when I was growing up. There were just as many guns, and there were way fewer laws and restrictions on guns; but I had a firm Dad who cared, and I had God at home and in school. Our Founding Fathers founded this country on Judeo-Christian values, and through a brilliant Constitution that guarantees freedom and unlimited potential. Stray from that (like liberals/democrats are doing), and you get what we're seeing today.

  14. (Mike here) One more thing Dave, I wouldn't blame the NRA, guns, or "Whites" like Jane does.

  15. Dave/Jane are both Dave. Different computers.
    And I don't blame the NRA, but as Americas largest lobby, I feel they should lead the conversations re: background checks, firearm security, gun show irregularities, etc. It would lessen the crazies arguments, if the NRA took the lead.
    I was surprised in AZ when I couldn't buy a firearm as I Wasn't a permanent resident, even though my Mn C&C is valid in AZ.
    I think the data shows serial killers and mass murderers are white (in the US).

  16. (Mike here) The NRA does more for gun safety than any other entity on the planet. You need to brush up on them (and get behind them), if you believe at all in the 2nd amendment. So indeed, the NRA does take the lead in these areas.

    And there you guys go with "whites" again. Serial killers and mass murderers are MENTAL or EVIL or BOTH. If you want to go down that road of blame, let's talk: islam/muslims....imperial Japan....Hitler, the [socialist democrat]....Idi Amin....the Castro brothers....N. Korea....Socialism/Communism....The Soviet give me a break with the "white" crap.

    Now, I laid out my solutions. And you ignored it. So please respond specifically to what I said. Am I right, or am I wrong??

    1. Dave here
      1 Too expensive, and if successful the shooters would find another venue (target).
      2 Don't mess with Bill of Rights
      3 Great idea and I think the Sessions and the DOJ is working hard on this one.
      4 Great idea, but difficult due to HIPPA (privacy) laws, unless you would like to get rid of those also.
      5 Good ideas and you can bet PD in all cities are already reacting differently to reports that come in.
      6 Culture change takes generations, look how different our children are raising there children in this "new age".
      Single parenting is a challenge, but I think most of the weapons used this year were in the homes of 2 parent households.
      God in Schools-Wonderful idea but once again you start treading on the Bill of Rights-Separation of Church and State, ie read Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802.
      God in Society-As far as I know, this is a personal choice that one makes in this country. Why have people strayed?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Did I suggest curbing the first amendment? Not at all, no more than the 2nd. I'm simply asking for a little discretion from the Free Press. Again, they do it with rape victims, and I don't hear them giving details about how the victim was chosen, approached, subdued or violated. So why do we do it with the very rare school shooting, and why no media attention paid to the routine violence in "gun-free" Chicago?

    Mike, I wouldn't much quibble with your solutions, save one, the "hardening" of schools. It could be expensive and leave all the other locations unprotected. My solution there would be far cheaper, namely removing those "gun free zone" signs and the law that goes with them. While in some neighborhoods the added security might still be necessary, the possibility of armed resistance would dissuade some, but the lack of any resulting notoriety would, I think, be the most effective.

  19. (Mike here) Yes, I'm with you on all that, Jerry. But security at our schools is still needed on top of it all. For now anyway. And I don't/can't worry about the cost. We've got all the money in the world if democrats would quit blowing it on illegals and welfare. Hell, if democrats would just quit financing the killing of babies to the tune of Half-a BILLION dollars a year, just look at all the money we'd save (including the babies). Now we need to hear from the, Gjerdingen's (Dave and Jane), they're MIA right now.

  20. (Mike here) Oh, there you are, Gjerdingen. "Too expensive"??--You wouldn't say that if your child was involved...."Culture changes take generations"??--No it doesn't. That can be turned around as fast as Trump has turned around Obama's destruction...."Most of the weapons were in 2-parent households"??--You mean like, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, Flint, Cleveland, Stockton,.......??--WRONG...."Separation of Church"??-- Hardly. Our Founding Fathers invoked God no less than 5 times in the Declaration of Independence. God is woven into the very fabric of America (He's even on our money). It's only been liberals/democrats (who boo God) that want to drive God from society. When I went to school, we always said an opening prayer and recited the Pledge of Allegiance (were we "treading on the Bill of Rights" then??). But liberals destroyed all that. And America is paying a price for it. 'Separation of Church and State' simply means the government can't force you into one religion or another. It does NOT mean we ignore God, or that God doesn't take precedence. And don't think people are "straying." Quite the opposite, it's getting taken away from them by the democrat party. Our Founding Fathers had every intention of this country adhering to Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. Period. That's what's made America great. Till liberals got in the way.

    1. I guess we are so far apart we couldn't even find a middle ground on any subject to even have a discussion.
      I wish you and your family nothing but the best.
      Goodbye, Jane (Dave)

  21. (Mike here) What are you talking about?? We had a great discussion. Lots was put out there from both ends. You must feel like you are losing the back-and-forth. But you're not. Whatever, I just want the Gjerdingen's to know that I really appreciate you. You've been great. And I value many of the things you've said. So don't be disillusioned one way or the other. And I'm sorry if I've been too hard on you. Honestly. Because I would have never carried on the conversation to this length if I wasn't sincere in what I'm saying to you. I hope we can have more dialogue in the future. It's good for everyone.
