Thursday, June 25, 2020

A POTUS Independence Day!

"In any event, this is summer. The best part of summer. As Americans, this is our day. Our collective birthday. Time to enjoy. Yes, we will be COVID cautious. If someone decides they don't want to be an American anymore, and ruin things for the rest of us, remember one very important thing. There are more of us than there are of you. A LOT more of us."

Oh boy! Are they ever excited about July 3rd out here in Rapid City! Why? POTUS will be here, at Mount Rushmore, getting down with the celebration of our independence. Fireworks, speeches, festivities - you name it. The best part is what the Governor said on the news yesterday was really good and to the point. Some of the juvenile delinquents are thinking about coming to Rapid City to try and wreck it. They better not!

They might try that? Really? In South Dakota? Well, this is not Minnesota. They don't have Tim Walz in charge. They have a real Governor. Plus, we had lunch in Hill City yesterday, and the place is already crawling with bikers. If the trouble makers come here and try to disrupt the event, OR harm Mount Rushmore - I hope they have their final affairs in order. It ain't going to be pretty for them.

The 3rd is going to be a raucous affair. Fun, fun and more fun, in a state which still believes in freedom. And, after it is over, POTUS will climb back aboard Air Force One, and head back to DC. Why? On the 4th, he is having a celebration in our nation's capitol. And the Democrats hate it. They are doing everything possible to derail it. Well, they can't. But once again, it exposes the left for what they are. America haters. And our POTUS loves this country with a deep, and true passion.

How will the party in DC go, compared to the one in Rapid? Unknown at this time. The Mayor of DC is a tool of the DNC. She gets played by the lefties, and is scared to stare them down when they trash her city. The President, on the other hand, is not. Tonight at seven, the malcontents are threatening to topple another monument in DC. The National Guard (unarmed) has been called out to help protect our monuments. The way these anarchists play however, this might be a fake. They might have threatened to take down one monument, and in reality, head towards another one. 

Each year, every year, Americans from coast to coast love to celebrate Independence Day. It is a big deal. There is no way on this planet, that a bunch of malcontents will be allowed to disrupt it. If they do try, it will bring things to a head real fast. Our President has had it up to his gills. As have the patriots and citizens. There is only one battle we should be fighting right now - and that is against COVID - 19. We should not be fighting each other. And we should not be tearing down the history of our country.

In any event, this is summer. The best part of summer. As Americans, this is our day. Our collective birthday. Time to enjoy. Yes, we will be COVID cautious. If someone decides they don't want to be an American anymore, and ruin things for the rest of us, remember one very important thing. There are more of us than there are of you. A LOT more of us.



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