Thursday, June 4, 2020

Defund the police!

"I mean, I thought I was immune from over-reacting to hearing the crap the loony left spews. But this one really took the cake. Right now, the city of Minneapolis is on life support. Defunding the police would a the dagger in the heart. Taps. No more City of the Lakes."

Just when you think you have heard every nutty idea coming out of the Democrat left, a new, more nutty idea comes along. Defund the police? What in the world does that mean? Total anarchy? A lawless society? According to the nut balls on the Minneapolis City Council, once the MPD is eliminated due to no funding, a new organization could take its place. A group of community organizers who could reason with law breakers instead of using force. Maybe use pixie dust instead of guns and tasers.

Right now, many of the folks I know who live in Greater Minnesota don't like going downtown because of the crime. And that is with Minneapolis having a police force. If you take the police away, Minneapolis will turn into a modern day version of Tombstone, long before Wyatt Earp tamed it. Once the police are gone, and word gets out nationwide, there will be a non-stop caravan of cars coming into town from points east and beyond. Why? Easy pickings. Very easy pickings.

This is the dumbest idea since the New York City idea of not charging folks with misdemeanors or non-violent felonies. That great idea was put to the test just recently when the thugs and punks looted and torched sections of the SOHO district. A looter would be caught, thrown in jail, and released the next day with no charges. That night the looter would be back on the streets, looting once again. How is this possible? Mayor de Blasio. He and Small Frey are the two most un-qualified mayors in the known universe.

I suppose I should not get too hasty in my criticism of this fine idea. After all, there will be this group of community organizers who will replace the police. They will be dressed in pastel colors, not to offend anyone, and also to relax people. They will have pamphlets to hand out to law breakers. Pamphlets of poems by John Lennon, text from Kahlil Gibran, some profound statements from Mao's Little Red Book, and so forth. They will also have incense to pass out for the people. Once someone is robbed of their life's savings, they will need to be soothed.

The Minneapolis jail can be re-purposed into something much more useful. The cells can be used for meditation and mindfulness. Or counseling rooms, so we can reason with people who have committed multiple crimes. All they need do is promise they won't do it again, and they can be on their way. Ah - Nirvana! I love it!

When I first heard of this idea, that famous line from the movie Full Metal Jacket came to mind - "You got to be shitting me Pile!" I mean, I thought I was immune from over-reacting to hearing the crap the loony left spews. But this one really took the cake. Right now, the city of Minneapolis is on life support. Defunding the police would a the dagger in the heart. Taps. No more City of the Lakes. No more anything. The Democrat left would have ruined it all.    


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