Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hey Jacob! All that and a bag of chips!



"You might have to resign over this one Jacob, put your tail between your legs, and head back to New York. Your reputation has been sullied beyond repair. You have a law degree - go practice law on the east coast. On final thing - don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out."   

That poor man-child mayor of Minneapolis. He wants so hard to be a major player in DFL or DNC politics. But the past couple weeks have not been kind to him. First, he allowed a police precinct to be overrun and torched by the miscreants who were causing trouble. Then he allowed hundreds of shops and businesses (many of them minority owned) to be looted, trashed, and burned. Then to top everything off, he was "booed off the stage" by protesters yesterday, as he was the sole dissenting voice to de-fund the cops. 

Where does that leave Jacob Frey? In no man's zone. The Republicans can't stand him, and the Democrats now think he is weak. What do I think? And I have said this before many times. Electing Jacob Frey was the same as electing Omar or AOC. How so? Totally unqualified for the positions they hold. Now we have circus clowns rather than adults in civic leadership. And that Star Wars bar crowd called the Minneapolis City Council? Please - don't get me started.

Running a big city, even a deep blue one like Minneapolis, takes some chutzpah and know how. Unfortunately young Mr. Frey - you have neither. You are a fish out of water in the City of Lakes. When those of us who grew up either in Minneapolis, or close to it, saw the lawlessness and brazen disregard for authority the nights of the riots, well, it was hard to watch. Rather than have law enforcement go into that melee, crack some heads, and then take people to jail, you had your police force watch as spectators. It was the most shameful act of civil disobedience I have seen in my lifetime. And the resulting damage is all on you brother.

Don't expect Uncle Sam to be generous with the $55,000,000 you are asking for in aid. I mean, why should someone else dip deep into their pockets to pay for the mess you created? Much of the bill will come from city taxpayers. Hope they are happy with it. Why? Because once the police department is de-funded and total anarchy rules the streets, the bills the fix the mess left behind will be never ending. 

No Jacob - you broke it. Not only did you break the city you were entrusted to run, you broke the confidence of the people who elected you. If you had taken civics and history while in school rather than gender studies, you would have learned about Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. He was the Mayor of New York City from days gone by. He was a progressive Republican, yet both sides of the aisle loved this man. He was able to make things work in that massive city, and to this day, is considered one of the finest mayors in American history. Instead of fashioning your leadership after someone like La Guardia, you instead used Nero as your mentor. All you were missing was the fiddle as your city burned.

You might have to resign over this one Jacob, put your tail between your legs, and head back to New York. Your reputation has been sullied beyond repair. You have a law degree - go practice law on the east coast. On final thing - don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.   


  1. Good for you Larry. Well said. How do you defund a police department? At the end of the day do all the officers toss their uniforms in the laundry basket go home and not come back? Maybe Minneapolis can find a few guys with balls big enough to protect the city like they did in Coeur d’ Alene Idaho. Nah, that won’t happen.

  2. When you elect Liberal Clowns, don't be Surprised when the Circus comes to Town. So go ahead and defund the Police, just be aware that you can close the Courts, City Government because without the enforcement side of Government you have nothing. Why have a Judge without anyone writing tickets, do you think you are going to get inspectors doing their jobs with the knowledge they have no backup. The rich are not going to go without security and those officers will not answer to you, they will answer to the community that hired them.
