Friday, June 12, 2020

The Battle for Seattle - Part 2

"If we had Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden for President rather than Donald Trump right now, we could kiss Seattle good-bye. As well as other blue cities who are run by folks (hello, Minneapolis), who don't know their ass from a six pack of beer."

It was November of 1999. 9/11 had not yet happened. Nor had the Great Recession. Nor had the invasion of COVID -19. Bill Clinton was our President during that time, and it was our turn to host the World Trade Organization (WTO) get together. I won't get started on what a sorry bunch of globalists the WTO was made up of back then. In any event, Seattle was chosen to be the host city. Big mistake.

As far left as the WTO was, it was nothing compared to the lefties who made up the protesting class in Seattle. The WTO was an easy target for the socialists to pick on. Trade = money = wealth = capitalism. You know the drill. Instead of a rising tide raises all ships, the socialists believe that capitalism is zero sum. Somebody wins, others lose. The rich get richer, and so forth. 

Seattle turned out to be a mess. Violent protests. Tear gas. Mass arrests. Mayhem. What? Sounds like today? Sure does. Welcome to the Battle for Seattle, Part 2. Only this time the WTO has nothing to do with it. They are so yesterday. Today, there are bigger fish to fry. Like, getting rid of the cops. I know, I know. This is now going on in 30 blue cities across the country. BUT - when it comes to protesting and out and out lawlessness, few do it better than the nut balls in Seattle.

The socialists and anarchists have taken over the Eastern Police Precinct in Seattle. All that, with the blessing of the libtard Mayor, and their clueless Governor. Not only have the cops been booted out of their own precinct headquarters (sound familiar Minneapolis Third Precinct?), but the nut balls who did it have declared the area around the headquarters to be Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). They are declaring themselves to be free from the United States (except however, for all the welfare checks rolling in).

Whereas the Mayor and the Governor are just fine with the largest city in the state being eaten away by drifters and grifters, but our President is not. He has been very clear to the leadership in Seattle. Either you fix this, or I will. The trajectory of all of these anti-cop protests going on in blue cities will hinge on how much Seattle can get away with. My vote? Time to crack some skulls and call in the National Guard. Time to establish a curfew with teeth in it, and maybe even declare martial law.

What is happening in our blue cities with this anti-cop crapola, is no worse than a cancer eating away at the body. I was going to say we were foolish to let it get this far, but the spineless morons who run these cities are just that. So now that the disease has spread, the treatment needs to be stronger and quicker. Like, when does this need to be fixed? Like - today.

If we had Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden for President rather than Donald Trump right now, we could kiss Seattle good-bye. As well as other blue cities who are run by folks (hello, Minneapolis), who don't know their ass from a six pack of beer. But we do have Donald Trump. He is our red line which is protecting our thin blue line. Stay tuned to this on folks. We might all be involved in it before long.  


  1. WRONG. If A DEM was in office NONE ofthis would happen because DEMS would NOT do this to themselves.
