Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Today, hate is best served hot

"The human heart was built for love. That is how and why God created that way. It is natural to have love in your heart when you also have God in your heart. However, when God is ushered out of the heart, it becomes occupied with dark and sinister forces."

Many of us have heard that old expression, "Revenge is a dish best served cold". The origins of that expression go back centuries, from France in the 1800's. Today, we have tried to replace revenge with justice. For the most part, that works. But hate? The dish which is best served hot? What have we replaced hate with? We have replaced hate with more hate. Yes, hate is our favorite four letter word.

This past week, we witnessed Exhibit "A" of hate in action. Young people (of a certain political stripe) from all over the place, gathered to cause damage, injury and mayhem. Why? Hatred of the American system. Hatred of a system which has given them the best lifestyles the world has ever known. Hatred against police, whose sworn duty is to protect and serve them. Hatred against WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), and all they stand for. And hatred of God, our giver of all good things.

Someone asked the other day if it was spiritual warfare, which was at work during last week's riots. Those in the faith know the answer to that without a moment's hesitation. Absolutely. Hate is the number one tool in Satan's toolbox. When our hearts are filled with hate, love has no place. And love is what God commanded us to do. Those young rioters have only hate, with no forgiveness, no mercy, no anything.

We have seen hate in our nation's capitol. Hatred for our President for doing the unthinkable sin of beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Hatred for this President, because everything they have tried to do to unseat him - has failed. Besides this hatred of our President, the disdain for each party by the other is palpable. Washington DC has become a toxic stew of raw and unhealthy emotions, rather than a place of fellowship between people of different political persuasions. Because of that, much of our government has become vapid and useless.

In a land so blessed with so much, how is it possible that hate can exist this strong? Where we are inches away from being embroiled in a hot and bloody civil war? Where in the words of one Antifa member, "We are going to start throwing acid in people's faces to blind them." Where does that type of thinking come from? Sadly, some believe it comes from our colleges and universities. By the leftover twisted thinking of the 1960's. 

The human heart was built for love. That is how and why God created that way. It is natural to have love in your heart, when you also have God in your heart. However, when God is ushered out of the heart, it becomes occupied with dark and sinister forces.

One final thing. This is the most vile thing about hate. It is a reverse emotion. When you have hatred towards a person, that hatred is more damaging to the hater than the hated. It is poison. It is like battery acid in the heart. Hatred will destroy us, whereas love will save us. No matter how bleak thing look right now, love will save us.      


  1. "We are going to start throwing acid in people's faces to blind them."

    We are going to start firing bullets into Antifact's carcasses to kill them.

    1. --Although the reference to vision suggests an easy close-quarters method utilizing a screwdriver.
