Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Supreme Injustice

"Roberts has turned out to be a pig in a poke. And we are stuck with him for many more years. If he was Ginsburg's age, there might be some hope. All we can do is hope that President Trump is re-elected." 

What in the Sam Hill has happened to John Roberts? Did he get abducted by a UFO and had his brains scrambled? Or are he and Ms. Nancy having a "thing"? Whatever it is, this Supreme Court Justice, that was hand picked by G. W. Bush, has turned out to be a, well, turn coat. His latest rulings have been nothing short of a disaster. DACA, Gay and Trans Rights, and now abortion. None of his rulings on these most important cases make any sense what-so-ever.

Truthfully - I have never really been high on this man. He always has a "shit eating" grin on this face. But, he was "W"s guy, so we had to work with him. But we have seen this before. A justice is nominated by a Republican President, confirmed, and then as time passes, any conservative credentials start to evaporate. What we are stuck with then is a big fat RINO. But with Roberts, some think besides being a RINO, he is also a "Never Trumper".

His ruling on abortion was really a punch in the gut. It brought back memories of what bad law Roe v Wade is. First off, abortion should be a states rights issue. Period. Then when states decide on abortion, most churches have gone to sleep. ALL CHURCHES should be outraged that this nation kills millions of its babies! "Baby Killer" at one time was next to an invective. Since the Roe ruling, Democrats look at that term as a badge of honor. What Roberts did with his vote, was to codify this mess all over again.

One more thing about DACA. This was bad law when Obama wrote the order. He even admitted it was not legal. DACA should be solved by Congress. Everyone knows that. If Roberts had voted with the normal justices to toss this order out, it would have allowed the President to task Congress to fix it. Right now, Congress has no incentive to fix DACA, since the illegal Obama order has been codified by Roberts.  

Roberts has turned out to be a pig in a poke. And we are stuck with him for many more years. If he was Ginsburg's age, there might be some hope. All we can do is hope that President Trump is re-elected. 

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