Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Electing a village idiot

"There will be no in-between in 2020. The election will either turn out very good for America, or very, very bad. Every vote will count. Boy, will every vote count."  

We have joked about it in the past, as it seemed as likely as being abducted by a UFO. Then the pandemic hit, and the economy started to tank due to spineless, gutless blue state governors. And with Donald Trump getting blamed for the pandemic with the resulting market dive, Joe (who am I?) Biden started rising in the polls. The man who is a village idiot, who can barely tie his shoes, might end up with enough votes to become our 46th President. All of a sudden, any humor about "Uncle Joe" evaporated, and the nightmare scenario started to emerge. An America which would be devoid of liberty. Welcome to the world of the Big Brother.

What we are seeing right now, with the social unrest in our country (particularly in blue cities and states), is nothing but a foretaste of the nightmare to come if Biden gets the White House. It will start next January, should Biden win the election. Want to make the nightmare even worse? Upchuck Schumer as the Senate Leader, and Ms. Nancy retaining the position as Speaker.

This is how the nightmare scenario will look. As early as January, we would be looking at cities without proper law enforcement, devolving into total chaos. Our southern border becomes a loose sieve once again, with illegals from just about everywhere pouring over in droves. Statues and monuments removed or defaced, our history trashed and rewritten, and our treasury looted for reparations and other SJW BS. That is just the start.

Unlike the super libs, who said in 2016, "If Donald Trump wins this election, we are leaving the country" - that is not us. The citizens and patriots will not leave this country. This land is the land of our heritage. The land our forefathers fought and died for. No, if Biden and the Democrats somehow steal this election, the treatment Donald Trump received from the left will seem mild in how we will treat Biden. The left changed the rules on how to treat a President, and trust me - we were paying close attention. 

Right now, we have a President who loves and respects our men and women in blue, as well as our armed forces. Biden on the other hand, is in the pocket of so many special interests, he would disarm the police and military in a heartbeat, if that is what he was told to do. Whatever any of the special interests or goofballs on the left tell him to do - he will do it. Supreme nut balls like AOC and Omar, will have his ear 24 X 7.

Maybe I should peel the onion back just a bit before I conclude. If Biden wins, the citizens of this country will not tolerate being dragged into the abyss of Venezuela - or worse. We will not tolerate our business interests being driven out of this country in waves, to seek safe harbor in countries where there is still some freedom of enterprise. We will not tolerate our once great cities will becoming burned out, and hollowed out. We will fight to keep our frontiers free and open. This country is worth it. It is the hill worth dying for. 

None of this will happen, if Donald Trump is re-elected. If we retain the Senate, and recapture the House, then real good American things will start getting done again. A second term of Donald Trump will be good for America. It will be good for everyone.

There will be no in-between in 2020. The election will either turn out very good for America, or very, very bad. Every vote will count. Boy, will every vote count.  

1 comment:

  1. You know what would be even better? If every LEGITIMATE vote counted. Not people who didn't exist, not people who voted twice or more, not people who cannot legally vote for any of a number of reasons...
