Friday, September 9, 2022

Besmirch this pal!

"Slo Joe is doing such a good job with trying to cast a different light on an innocent term (MAGA), a new term has appeared. We are now 'hyper-polarized'. How is that going to work as we approach November?"

In our new era of opposites, where what was bad is now good, and what was good is now bad, the groupthink committee has offered up a new word (or term) to demonize. I know this is hard to believe, but the acronym MAGA has become the proverbial four lettered word. Almost worst than the "f" word. Huh? Make America Great Again is a bad term? Sure is. If you don't believe me, just listen to Slo Joe on the stump as of late.

Wait a minute! Hold on! Slow your roll pal! What do you mean MAGA is a bad term? Which word is the trigger word which gets the lefties all spun up? America? Great? Make? Again? Which word is it?

Of course, nary a peep has ever been said (by the left) about the term Antifa. Maybe that is because our President has also called the people who support MAGA ,"semi-fascists" (whatever that means). And since Antifa comes from "anti fascists", I guess that puts them on the side of the angels with the ruling elite.

In this insane world of honoring things which are evil, and besmirching those which are good, let me paint the canvas for you. Gangs of black clad hoodlums, burning, destroying, shooting fireworks at cops - are the good guys. Honoring perps by enacting "no cash bail", which allows offenders to re-offend to their heart's desire - is a good thing. Allowing homeless people to set up tent cities, then use LRT stations and ATMs as their bathrooms, and leaving spent needles on the sidewalk and in the street - is freedom. But MAGA, and those who support it, are worse than vermin. 

In this new canvas, which depicts our nation, the authoritarians have lumped MAGA hats in with KKK hoods and the Confederate flag. Why? It is part of the new groupthink. MAGA = racism = fascism = insurrectionists. Meanwhile, our cities have become shooting galleries and drug dens. Just about every major city has record or near record crime. When did that all start? After the Woke revolution started, and the aftermath of Floyd. Minneapolis, and its do nothing Governor, were at ground zero for that horrendous event.

Good is bad and bad is good. If I am not mistaken, the Holy Bible also addresses this issue. In our final days. Slo Joe is doing such a good job with trying to cast a different light on an innocent term (MAGA), a new term has appeared. We are now "hyper-polarized". How is that going to work as we approach November? Will our voting precincts be safe to vote in, or not?

A tip of the hat to our President and the Governor of Minnesota for pouring more gas on this fire called America. Our once great country, has turned into Honduras in less than two years. Well played. 

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