Friday, September 16, 2022

Divided! - And not about politics either!

"If our Washington leadership had any acumen at all, they would focus our resources in getting enough water to satisfy our population. To grow our crops. As it is, we hear nary a word about water. That is, other than buy an electric car." 

Saw an interesting piece on YouTube last night. Was it about something new or recently discovered? Nope. This subject has been around just about forever. It is about how divided this country is (geographically). Like, there is almost something magical about the 90th longitude. It is as if there is a line going from Winnipeg down to San Antonio, dividing the country. East of that line, that is where 80% of our population lives. West of that line, that is where the other 20% live. Pretty impressive, considering California (west of line), is our most populous state.

What does all this mean? It means simply this. From recorded history in this country, it shows that longitude 90 is like a magic line. West of this line, less rain. East of this line, more rain. Was this a factor in how this country was settled? Probably. The fact remains for those who decide to venture west to retire - take some water with you. The desert southwest is drying up, as are the water resources. Even though the occasional monsoonal rains give some relief, the hot, dry weather is ruling most days.

Who is the biggest culprit for our climate woes in this country? China? Internal combustion cars? ALGORE? How about some of the most scenic mountains in the world. The American Rockies. What is the unintended consequence for having all that majesty out west? How about a rain shadow? What the heck is a rain shadow? It is the eastern area of the Rockies where the rain has halted. The Rockies are not foothills. They are big! So for the next tens of thousands of years (or more), while the Rockies still stand, part of the country will be in this rain shadow.

The country of China has this great divide even more pronounced than we have. 94% of their population live in the eastern half of the country. The very vast western part of China only contains 6% if their population. So maybe a 80/20 split on our country is not so bad after all.

For those who chose to retire in the western part of the country, be advised. It is dry, it is arid, it is hot. And if there does turn out to be such a thing as man-made global warming, it is going to get drier and hotter. It is a shame too, as so much of our west is drop dead gorgeous. But after seeing the pictures of Lake Meade this summer, the future of some of our southwestern states looks sketchy at best.

By the way - I am not boasting that I live on the right side of longitude 90 - I do not. I am on the western side. Does that mean the drought we have had for the past two summers are going to continue? Going to get worse? I sure hope not.

If our Washington leadership had any acumen at all, they would focus our resources in getting enough water to satisfy our population. To grow our crops. As it is, we hear nary a word about water. That is, other than buy an electric car. 


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