Friday, September 2, 2022

Our own Emperor Palpatine


"Biden? He is ready for the men in the white suits carrying butterfly nets. He needs to be confined somewhere safe and comfy, where he can yell and spit to his heart's desire."   

This would have been a good opener for a Steven King movie. Or maybe some dystopian movie based on Big Brother from 1984. Or a sequel to Star Wars, where Emperor Palpatine was reanimated. In any event, it was something to behold last night. It was billed as a national speech to all Americans. In reality, it was 100% political, and only geared towards the blue pill minions who still believe in snake oil. What was it really? A national embarrassment. 

One of the funniest things I heard this morning from a Fox commentator was this - "After the speech was over, I needed to take a shower. Why? To get all of Biden's spittle off of me". Yes, Aviator Joe was at it again. Blistering half the country. The folks who voted for Trump are no better than demons or reprobates. But the Biden voters? Enlightened. Progressive. Smarter than whips. Once again, the Trump voters? Knuckle draggers. Troglodytes. Vermin. Best of all - enemies of Biden's state.

I did not watch it, but saw the lowlights on the news this morning. When it started out, I did not know if I was seeing Biden, Emperor Palpatine, or Satan. The set was dark and foreboding. There was a evil looking red hue in the background. And to top matters off, there were two Marines in full dress, standing at attention in the middle of that red hue. It was spooky as well as disturbing. And the entire speech was aimed at people just like me. The ones who voted for the "other guy".

I guess few channels covered this mess. MSNBC for sure, and maybe CNN. Maybe it should have been carried on the SciFy channel. And I really hope no kids were watching it. Bad dreams would have come out of it. 

Someone on Fox was a real truth teller once the speech was over. Here it is - the meat of campaign 2022. Wait - what about all the accomplishments? Would it not be better to tout those? It would be, if there were any. But since Biden is devoid of accomplishments, and has only failures, he is going back to his Emperor Palpatine impression. The only thing missing last night, were the Emperor's Storm Troopers. 

I had to chuckle while thinking some deep thoughts this morning. When Trump was President, many on the left thought he was "abnormal". Well, guess what? Compared to Joe Biden, Donald Trump is Al Average, Sam Standard, and Norm Normal, all rolled into one. Biden? He is ready for the men in the white suits carrying butterfly nets. He needs to be confined somewhere safe and comfy, where he can yell and spit to his heart's desire.   

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